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.Yandex domain zone is done

On Saturday night, something we had been waiting for happened : finally the domain zone .yandex was finally delegated.
image domain: YANDEX

organization: YANDEX, LLC
address: 16, Leo Tolstoy Street,
address: Moscow 119021,
address: RU
address: Russian Federation

contact: administrative
name: Tatiana Bakharevskaya
organization: YANDEX, LLC.
address: 16, Leo Tolstoy Street,
address: Moscow 119021,
address: RU
address: Russian Federation
phone: +7 (495) 739-7000, ext 7101
fax-no: +7 495 739-7070
e-mail: tvt@yandex-team.ru

Now it is possible to open sites in it, the first of which is nic.yandex . It is already working, but for now this is a draft version, which we will continue to improve.

We want to immediately answer some questions:

Recall that ICANN approved the application for .yandex just over a year ago. All the details about what exactly will be in this domain zone and when, we will tell a little later.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230565/

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