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Blog promotion for the month - is it possible?

A month and a half ago, I decided to start a new stand alone blog - “Investments for beginners” . While the initial promotion period was going on, I kept a small diary, a timeline for the development of the project, in which I recorded almost all my movements related to “Investments for ...”

Starting conditions - I have already had a blog for about a year on the stockportal . It is rather dead, rarely updated, only about 60 subscribers. I suspect that for the most part these are not real subscribers, but various aggregators in the style of “all financial blogs in one tape,” etc.

The results of the effort:
Statistics from Feedburner
I hope my experience will be useful to many newcomers. So let's go!

Monday March 3

Placed the first article, as many as five pieces. All of the case, written by me at different times for different purposes.
Screwed a normal usable theme to Wordpress.
Linked all links to RSS through feedburner counter.
I asked to put a link from my friend Andrei Troy ( anticorporativ.ru ) and received it!

Tuesday 4th of March

New article. Another inbound link from Anti-Corporate.
Placed in the old blog post, that now we have a new address and I ask everyone to re-subscribe to the new RSS.

Wednesday March 5

By agreement in ICQ got into the blogroll to Dino Spomoni .

Thursday March 6

Recalled Max Krainov ! Himself! Probably saw a link in Antikorporativ!
Screwed the subscription form via rss2email.
New article.
Link inside the post to the Altai blogger (agreed on mutual PR).

Friday March 7

Run ads in rss2email. 63 WMZ ( tariff plan "Probnik" ).

Saturday March 8

The order of the link in EstRabote guards is 30 rubles from a mobile phone. The experience is not very successful - only 9 transitions in the end.
Screwed the “One Button” plugin to add materials to the social services of the RuNet.

Sunday March 9

Started experimenting with an old blog.
I decided to duplicate the new materials to the old blog with a delay of several days, at the beginning of each post to remind about the new address. Immediately moved the last two articles.
Before the experiment, visits from the stockportal.ru domain are 25. Subscribers to stockportal.ru are 51.
New article.

Monday 10 March

Experiments with VKontakte as a traffic provider.
Created a group, invited all friends. We'll see...
New article.

Tuesday March 11 - Wednesday March 12

Active experiments with VKontakte.

Thursday March 13

Funny. Returned 20 bucks from rss2email - discounts in honor of the anniversary of the company.
New article.

Friday March 14

Ordered "PR for a month from Davydov . " 100 WMZ.
The first link from Davydov. The first party in the comments (about 50 days, the first disputes flared up).
258 visitors per day! New goal - 300 unique per day.

Saturday March 15

The second link from Davydov. Further links from Davydov not indicate - they appear almost every day.

Sunday March 16

New article.
Statistics VKontakte: 116 participants in the group. Three active discussions. Two mutually "fused" groups. For all the time - 52 transition.
On VKontakte, an unexpectedly friendly audience - they are actively throwing up ideas and letting them generate new interesting materials.
Current rss2email results: 104 subscribers. Total 43wmz / 104 subscribers = 41.3 cents per new subscriber.
Probably need to experiment with LJ.
Posted an article "Invest in Relationships" in the community leadership_ru .
I put the counter li.ru and the counter from the feedburner - there is already something to be proud of.

Monday March 17

He got two left VKontakte accounts. We'll see.
Filled and configured the plugin "most popular entries." Internal linking did not bother anyone.
The first links (after Krainov) without prior agreement from other bloggers.
We continue experiments with LJ. Post the announcement of an article in the big_money community.
DenPanas left a comment - shared his spending management system. This is quite a famous person in the field of investing.

Tuesday March 18

Added a couple of articles on the old blog.
Link from Davydov in the style of “continued to read here ...” He published the beginning of my post and a link to the continuation of my blog.
Wrote an article specifically for the big_money community in LiveJournal.
Experiment with Vkontakte - started a discussion with a request to promote the group itself on the wall.
The current total is 219 RSS subscribers (of which 115 are rss2email subscribers).
More than 700 unique visitors at the end of the day!

Wednesday March 19

We continue sluggish spam VKontakte with 3 accounts.
Very active correspondence in the comments.
Rzhachno of course, but still in the blog only 12 articles. Those. the site is almost empty.

Monday March 24th

Launched otkrutku ads rss2email mailings. I have 20,500 hits for 25 WMZ. Immediately I will announce the results - there were 282 transitions from 20,500 hits, CTR = 1.38%.
I did not keep further detailed records, but I tried to continue in the same vein. The only difference is almost scored VKontakte. This activity needs to be automated.

Results for today

Google total stats

Google statistics

Traffic sources

Traffic sources

If you have any questions - welcome to the comments or ICQ 137111868.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23054/

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