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New Developer Economics Report Released

Today a new report has been released in the Developer Economics - State of the Developer Nation series for the 3rd quarter of 2014.

It is based on a record-breaking survey of more than 10,000 individual developers and companies from 137 countries and is traditionally devoted to mobile development, market trends, platforms, tools and monetization models. This year, particular attention was paid to Enterprise and game developers.



On a global level, the platform war is over. iOS took high-end devices, and Android all the rest. Windows Phone continues to attract developers, but not users.

In local markets, however, the battle for developers and users continues. First of all, we are talking about China and India, as well as countries in South America, where Apple needs developer support, and Windows Phone and Android are fighting for those who are buying a cheap smartphone for the first time.

The number of platforms that developers use is again reduced. For the year from 2.9 to 2.2 platforms on average.

BlackBerry 10 lost the attention of developers, losing almost all users.

HTML5 extends beyond browsers. The technology is used by 42% of developers, but only 15% of them use browsers as a distribution medium.

Development tools

HTML5 is the most popular technology (42%), the next most popular is Java (38%). If we take the rating of languages ​​that developers use to create applications, then Java comes first (26%), and Objective-C takes second place (17%).

C # remains popular - 14% of developers use the language as the main language for development. This shows that Microsoft remains an important force in the mobile development market, even if it does not control operating systems.

Interestingly, 47% of iOS developers and 42% of Android developers use something other than native languages ​​for their platforms.

The most popular non-native way to create applications for iOS and Android are hybrid applications that 13% of developers make.

Application revenue

Most developers do not earn enough money to support the business. 64% on iOS and 60% on Android earns less than $ 500 a month from the app.

As a whole, 24% get nothing at all, and another 23% get less than $ 100 a month.

In general, the economy of applications is growing, but all revenues are concentrated in one hand. Only 1.6% of developers get more than 500,000 per month, their total income is many times more than the rest 98.4%.

Enterprise developers

It is easier to earn money at enterprises - among those who write for companies that earn twice more than $ 5,000 from an application and three times more earn more than $ 25,000.

iOS wins the battle for enterprise in terms of both penetration and profit. Traditional leaders, represented by Microsoft and BlackBerry, are not in demand by companies, and, as a result, by developers.

Game developers

Games dominate revenues, but you can't say the same about developers. 33% of developers make games, but 57% of games earn less than $ 500 a month. At the same time experience matters - the more games you release, the more you have an average income. But 70% of developers made less than 4 games.

Games are a multiplatform world - on average, a game developer targets 3 platforms against 1.75 for non-game developers.

Unity is the most popular cross-platform development tool, used by 47%. In second place is Adobe Air with 15%.


Third-party tools are critical to success. There is a direct relationship between the number of tools and income - the more tools you use, the more they are.

The most popular are ad networks, 30% of developers use them.

You can download the full report on the Vision Mobile website .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230525/

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