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Instagram life after sale

When the inhabitants of Silicon Valley subsided after the sensational Facebook purchase of the WhatsApp messenger and startups with even greater motivation earned in co-working hoping to become the next stars, another question arose - what happens to the purchased companies in a year or two? It was answered by Dan Tofy (Dan Toffey), communications manager at Instagram, who turned out to be the fifteenth employee hired. He came to the company just before Facebook bought a photoservice for $ 1 billion in 2012.


After the completion of the transaction, the Instagram team moved to the Facebook office, where it now occupies one of the buildings. The relocation of the company was in terms of the contract, while Facebook, for its part, promised not to interfere in its work and provide it with all the conditions for further growth.

On the question of whether the culture has changed within the company after the sale, Dan replied that the spirit remained the same, but the team has greatly expanded. At the time of sale there were 16 people, now on the staff of Instagram more than 130 employees.
There is no pressure from Facebook - the changes affected only the business model. Now, the Instagram staff no longer has the goal of making money, the main tasks for them today are:

1) User base growth;

2) Attracting corporate users - as one of the company's marketing channels - and providing them with assistance in positioning their activities;

3) Building a global community among users.

“In this way,” Dan summarizes, “we can continue to pursue the achievement of our initial ideas, without being distracted by the financial issues that Facebook is taking on.”

A special department works with corporate users that provides educational assistance in managing the corporate page.

At the moment, Instagram has 6 offices in different parts of the world, the main tasks of which are to support and promote the most active users. So, when Roman Palchenkov, a famous Russian instagrammer, went to California, the guys from the Moscow office reported to the head office and organized a visit to Facebook headquarters, where Roman arrived with a number of wishes and comments to improve the application.

Instagram is trying hard to popularize its movement. So, one of the latest promotions was sending some active users to the opening of the Olympic Games for photo-broadcasting of events.

When asked to express his opinion about the adventure with the purchase of WhatsApp, Dan answered that if you compare the number of Instagram users at the time of the transaction, it is similar to the same indicator for WhatsApp. At the same time, he noted that Instagram had an advantage in choosing a place for the office and the photo service managed to occupy the most convenient room. By the way, in spite of the established trends in changing the composition of the team after buying startups, all 16 employees still work on Instagram and continue to make a great product every day for an increasing number of users, while using Facebook resources.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230523/

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