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CentOS 7 Overview. Part 1: Linux Containers

Today we are announcing the availability of the release of the CentOS 7 operating system in the InfoboxCloud cloud , based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 package base and fully compatible with it. At the end of the post link to free testing in the cloud.

CentOS 7 is the first release of the OS, after the CentOS team transitions to RedHat. This OS is stable and ready for corporate use.

We are starting a review of the new OS, consisting of a series of theoretical and practical articles. The first chapter of the review will cover the support for Linux containers on CentOS 7.

In the cloud, the minimum version of CentOS 7 is installed by default to ensure maximum security by reducing the attack surface. All necessary OS components are installed from standard repositories.

CentOS 7 key changes

Linux container support

Docker certainly shot, creating a hefty noise in the blogosphere and social networks. In a variety of areas, containers have been actively used to isolate applications from each other and from the external environment, as a means of delivering and deploying software.

In InfoboxCloud, container virtualization has been used for several years as one of the virtualization options: faster and more economical than hypervisor technology. The standard InfoboxCloud functionality allows you to quickly and efficiently create fast and efficient containers from the control panel with the necessary OS. Using containers inside the InfoboxCloud virtual machine (the " Allow OS kernel control " flag when creating a server in the cloud) brings new features:

Main features of Linux containers:

In the context of Linux containers, resource management is organized through cgroups . Cgroups allow a user to allocate resources, such as CPU time, system memory, network bandwidth, an I / O unit, or any combination of these resources to set up a user-limited group of tasks or processes running on a given system. Users can monitor any configured cgroups, deny cgroups access to certain resources, or even dynamically reconfigure cgroups on a running system. Using cgroups, system administrators have precise control over the allocation, prioritization, reduction, management and monitoring of system resources. Hardware resources (hypervisor resources) can be easily divided between tasks and users, often increasing the overall efficiency of the system. Cgroups is not a new concept. It appeared back in Cent OS 6. CentOS 7 has improved the ability to manage control groups through Systemd, the OS and services manager.

Process isolation, the heart of the Linux container architecture, is represented by CentOS kernel namespaces . Now Linux implements six different types of namespaces. The goal of each is to wrap each global system resource into an abstraction . Each resource is provided as an isolated instance for a process within the namespace, which provides isolation — the illusion that the group of processes is alone in the system. Namespaces are necessary because the Linux kernel knows nothing about containers. The namespace task is to teach the core to the concept of an isolated environment.

CentOS 7 implements the following namespaces:

For security, SELinux is also used, which, as with cgroups, is not a new concept and exists since CentOS 4. SELinux applies security labels and policies for Linux containers and their resources, providing an additional level of security over the security provided by the spaces kernel names.

The RedHat team (you know who really developed all this) started working on Docker starting from version 0.7. Red Hat's contribution was a new storage driver, which allowed Docker to run on Cent OS 7. During further cooperation and Red Hat's contribution to Docker, a new built-in execution driver based on libcontainer was developed, which was developed to access the container core API directly, without third-party dependencies. . This native toolkit can manage kernel features such as cgroups, namespaces, network interfaces, firewall, and other kernel features. Thanks to Red Hat, Cent OS 7 Docker is now ready for corporate use.

Thus, Linux containers are an important open source technology for packaging and delivering applications, combining lightweight isolation and flexibility of image-based deployment methods.

Sources used in the preparation of the article:
RedHat Knowledge Base
RedHat official blog
CentOS Official Blog

Especially for our readers, we provided the opportunity to try CentOS 7 in the InfoboxCloud cloud. Register the trial version for 15 days via this link . If you need more resources for testing than in the trial version - write to trukhinyuri@infoboxcloud.com

Successful use of CentOS 7! To be continued.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230513/

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