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Master in the USA. Fulbright Graduate Student Program. Part 1

On Habré occasionally come across stories about how people go to study abroad. There were already several articles about training in America. But I did not find any posts about obtaining a Fulbright scholarship, so I decided to share my experience in applying for scholarships, passing the competition and studying at Purdue University . So, if you are interested and especially if you want to try to participate in the scholarship competition, welcome to the cat.

Everything that will be discussed is more applicable to the Ukrainian office, although in general the process in the CIS countries should not be much different (I will write about the differences where I know), since in America all the CIS countries are supervised by similar principles. The article will be broken into a couple of parts, thematically - the submission of documents and competition, study at the university.

Fulbright Program

A small inset from Wikipedia
The Fulbright Program is an educational grants program, founded in 1946 by US Senator James William Fulbright and funded by the State Department, with the goal of strengthening cultural and academic ties between citizens of the United States and other countries.
Provides international educational exchanges for students, scientists, teachers, professionals and artists. On a competitive basis, provides grants to both American and foreign students, scholars and researchers. Stimulates "cross" education, in particular American students abroad, and foreign - in the United States. The Fulbright program is one of the most prestigious award programs in the world among similar ones; it works in more than 155 countries, 50 of which have special commissions running the program, where they do not exist, it is supervised by the Information and Culture Department of the US Embassy.

From myself . The scholarship is considered one of the most prestigious scholarships in the United States. Many people in the US have heard and know about it.
Initially more humanitarian program, but recently gaining popularity among the basic sciences. For example, a specially recently opened program Fulbright STEP .

Scholarship conditions

As a rule, the program involves funding your training for 2 years. Therefore, in the case of obtaining a PhD degree, during this time you need to find yourself another source of funding.

Round-trip tickets. Additional flights are not paid.

$ 1280 + depending on the place of residence. In the summer there are no scholarships and there are no tickets home either, which creates an interesting situation. It is also strange that some countries pay a scholarship in the summer, and some do not. Therefore, summer financing should be considered in advance.

Basic insurance Seven Corners. Basically enough for routine visits to the doctor. More info here

You must return to your home country for 2 years in accordance with the requirements of the J1 visa. Here we are talking about obtaining a residence permit in the United States. Nobody prohibits being in the United States on a tourist visa or other student visa, but most likely it will not be possible to obtain a residence permit without returning home for 2 years. With great desire and good luck, you can get an exemption from this rule (waiver), but I have not yet met people who have gone through the whole procedure, so it is difficult for me to talk about it. I heard more than once that they do not always require these 2 years to be physically in their own country, but again there is little information.

You can take your husband / wife and children with you, they get a J2 visa, which, for example, allows you to work. Also, extra money is paid for each family member. More info here

Filing documents

The deadline for submission of documents for the competition is mid-May. It should be borne in mind that the documents are submitted for the year ahead. So I applied for documents in May 2012, when I was in the 3rd year of university, and started studying in the USA in August 2013. The results of the entire selection will be known somewhere in late September (the choice of the university, who you’re lucky) allows you to plan well ahead.
The list of documents is quite simple (I’ll dwell on the most important ones in my opinion):

The first two essays are included in the application and judging by the reviews are the main criteria for the primary screening of candidates.

Selection process

The deadline for submission of documents is mid-May. Then, somewhere until mid-August, the forms are processed. Everything is quite liberal, if you miss something, you will most likely just be asked to send the missing documents.
In mid-August, people are announced who have gone to the second round (Semi-Final), that is, for an interview. The interview takes place in the form of a panel - 5-6 people ask you about your project, goals and arguments of the relevance of the project. As a rule, among them 2-3 Americans. In my case, half of the people who interviewed me came across Computer Science, the rest are just from technical areas.
The interview itself takes place somewhere in the middle of September, and the results are announced 1-2 weeks after the interviews. So applicants are in the final stage. The bottom line is that this is not a guarantee of the trip itself (although the odds are around 95%). A small number of people drop out due to poor test results, some - at will or because they cannot find a suitable university. Therefore, in addition to the main list, there is also a backup, and the chances of people from the backup list are usually quite good.


After getting into the final stage (actually getting scholarships), you will need to pass 2 tests (TOEFL, GRE General). If you have taken them before, the results are still valid at the time of applying to universities and meet the minimum requirements, then you can not pass the tests. The finalists are paid the surrender, but preparation is usually not paid.
  1. TOEFL iBT - consists of 4 parts (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing). Each part is about 30 balls, in the amount of 120. At least in most of the universities is about 80, but an acceptable result is 100. It is highly desirable to pass Speaking for more than 25, this often gives the opportunity to be certified at the university if you want to work with students (I passed on 23 and I had to take an additional course)
  2. GREATED General Test - this test has a progressive grading scale (from 130 to 170, for example, 145 means you are in the first quantile, 151 among the balls, and from 157 is the fourth quantile), depending on the university and the program, the requirements for this test are very different. Some universities do not require it at all. In general, the test is more complicated than the TOEFL, it takes more time to prepare. Consists of 3 parts:
    • Math is a fairly easy test, at the 1st year level at a technical university. The bulk of assignments in algebra. Nothing unusual, just for successful delivery you need to get used to the formulation of tasks in English (as a rule, it is more difficult than the tasks themselves).
    • Vocabulary is simply incredibly complex. A very academic vocabulary is used, it is often simply difficult to understand what it is about. For him the truth must be prepared for a long time. Later, communicating with the Americans, I realized that among them there are many people who are flooding this test.
    • Writing - 2 essays. I have often heard that this is not the most important part for foreign students. According to empirical observations, it is better to devote more time to other parts. Although again with respect to the program.

Tests should be taken in late October - early November, so it makes sense to think about it in advance. There is very little time between getting into the final and passing the tests and, as a rule, it’s impossible to significantly raise your level. Especially in GRE, where the language test is very, very difficult.

University Choice

After passing the tests, according to your results, makes a list of recommended universities for you, which, according to the Fulbright program, you could enroll. The bottom line is that a scholarship is funding, but not a guarantee that you can find a university. Often, program staff try to take into account your wishes, if they are from the field of logic, and not from the area of ​​"Except for Harvard, I'm not going anywhere." You are offered a list of 4 universities and, as a rule, everywhere you need to fill in something yourself. Filing begins at the end of November. The first proposals from the universities will be after the New Year. And here, in principle, the most difficult situation happens. Some universities give the Fulbright program a discount on your tuition, so it’s more profitable for the program to send scholars to such universities. Very good, when your choice coincided with the fact that you are advised. Honestly, what happens in another case, I do not really know. There are people who refuse because they are not satisfied with the university. I think that obsession with the name of the university is not a bad thing, but not the most important one. Moreover, in the end, upon arrival in the US, you can transfer to another university.

Personal advice

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230503/

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