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Announcement of the second meeting of Java User Group Ekaterinburg

Hi, Habr!

JUG - Java User Group, meetings JUG.EKB - a discussion of various technologies from the world of Java, the exchange of experience, as well as just interesting communication!
We regularly hold JUG.EKB meetings with Java experts on the most interesting topics.
Our website jugekb.ru , community in VK - vk.com/jugekb .

We invite all java developers to the second meeting of JUG.EKB.


Meeting program:

  1. Specially invited guest - Roman Elizarov from St. Petersburg (Devexperts company) - “Millions of quotations per second on pure Java”
    Roman Elizarov has been engaged in professional software development for stock exchange and brokerage activities for more than 10 years. As an expert in high-performance processing and distribution of large amounts of data and on optimizing performance on modern architectures, Roman regularly speaks at various conferences. He is an expert on the Java platform.

    The report will focus on those solutions and approaches that, based on real experience, allow us to reach a reasonable compromise between performance and complexity, which largely determines the choice of the Java platform. A real comparison with classical data providers with a ten-year history of developing and supporting their software in low-level languages ​​shows that Java features are not an obstacle to creating high-performance data processing systems, but rather, they allow you to catch up and overtake competitors due to the availability of more tools. increase the productivity of programmers, and simplify debugging and support.

  2. Andrei Khitrin from Yekaterinburg (Naumen company) - “Heavy shackles will fall: how to translate the project build from Ant to Gradle?”
    Andrey Khitrin develops and automatically tests applications for the Noda Soft product.
    Also makes a contribution to Open Source.

    The Java platform has successfully passed the test of time, having established itself as the basis for developing long-lived projects. However, with age, such projects accumulate a lot of flaws. One of them may be an outdated application build system.
    What should you do if you want to get rid of the enormously large and difficult to maintain Ant scripts that are used to build your application? What are the alternatives? What advantages and disadvantages do these alternatives have? How not to stuff cones when transferring a project from Ant to any Gradle?

  3. Lightning talks
    Lightning talks is a series of five-minute reports, you can apply for them at any time, at least 5 minutes before the start. The presentation is optional but desirable. The topic of the report is limited only to Java, you can talk about, for example, a newly discovered framework or a problem that you have recently solved.
    Lightning talks is a great way to try yourself in a rolyayavidy. Therefore, we are waiting for your application for a report on lightning talks.

  4. Afterparty

The meeting is free, you must register .
With us tea / coffee and cookies, with you - a good mood and questions to the speakers.

Videos from the last meeting can be viewed on our youtube channel .

We are waiting for you at the July 29 meeting in Kovorging “Salt” (Khimikov Lane, 3, 4th floor), starting at 19-30.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230497/

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