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The perfect operating system! Is it possible?

On the Internet, holivars are the most favorite and debated topic for discussion. From the name itself it is clear that these are wars due to “religious” preferences. Although they say that the truth is born in a dispute, but this is absolutely not the case. Very often, the debaters are "religious" fans and they do not try to determine the real best side, but simply throw mud at the opponent and the symbol of his "religion."

The most fertile ground are holivars about operating systems. Is it possible to stop them once and for all and make an ideal system? Let's try to figure it out

Very often, in holivarah, Windows is going down (I do it myself often and with pleasure). But many are not ready to abandon it only because of the small set of applications that they really need in their work. So, as the core of an ideal system, you can use anything, but you need to provide support for Windows software. Under Linux there is a huge amount of emulators (around 50 pieces), see the comparison tablet for yourself! There is an emulation of anything, not just Windows. He talked with some and earned 99% of the programs and toys that I personally tested. It was possible to try to “kill” the program, but that's not the point. Incomplete support for a program is limited only by the closeness of Windows. It is enough to open the source code completely (at least by a court decision) and very soon the support of the programs will be complete.
Ideal Operating System, then just IOS :-) should support real-time operation. In QNX, this is implemented; you can take its core as a basis and screw everything else.

IOS should support all existing binaries for this processor, support ports and build from source. In fact, this is the simplest work from the whole path to the ideal system.

IOS should have a modular and configurable kernel. In Linux it is implemented, we borrow from there.

The file access system should be made a bit more perilous than in Unixes and noticeably cut from the Windows version. The system of belonging to the groups, take out of Windows and publish a large rasp.

To store information about the network need a single directory service. HELL is implemented ugly, so take it as a basis, throw half and slightly modify what is left.

The file system should be necessarily logged, with the possibility of full data recovery in case of a sudden power outage. NTFS is absolutely not suitable for this, it is very easy. And you lose not only unfinished file, but sometimes a whole list of directories and files. Recovery utilities can recover files that will be porridge. We take something like ext4, ReiserFS.

Security system - the most sensitive issue. Take OpenBSD as a basis and wind it up, wind it up, wind it up. Although it is vulnerable not because of the implementation of specific programs and modules, but because of fundamental gaps in the network protocols used. Only to come up with an ideal protocol and in a short time, and even with a little blood, you cannot change it. A packet filter and an intrusion detection system must also be incorporated. And to implement it on different "rings" of the processor. In the x86 series processors 4 rings are laid, in Windows only 2 are used: privileged and user. In IOS, it is necessary to use all 4 rings, and the lower level is not privileged, but a system for monitoring the operation of the system core. A sort of IDS and antivirus heuristic analyzer to protect the critical points of the system from Malvari. Even getting to the driver level or the kernel level, the virus should still remain at a level above the protection system.

Anyway, but the ideal system implies the full open-sourcing of all the OSs on the market and joint work on ITS. Fans of open source, in the right direction go! Support by some Unixes of other Unix binaries brings them closer to the notion of IOS. The development of new and new emulators also brings the onset of IOS. Work in this direction goes. Gradually, "there" or "there" appear the very visible features of IOS. It is enough to gradually collect all the best and the designer will become that IOS. Quantity grows into quality. Pererazhenie different axes of each other "baubles" and "mulechek" and is an indicator that the "bright future" is approaching. But meeeeedno. And only melkosoft with its closed standards and other nonsense inserts sticks into the wheels of progress and generally pulls everyone to the bottom. FUTURE - FOR OPENSOR!

If someone develops a theme, then I will only be glad. Perhaps the topic will receive the necessary development and attract the attention of specialists engaged in direct work on modern OS. And maybe some of these points we can see in the nearest distributions.

PS I absolutely did not conceive this essay as an advertisement for the open source. I just read a lot of holivars and thought “out loud” about the possibility of creating IOS. Gradually, he came to the conclusion that open source is a ray of light indicating the direction to the “bright future.”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23049/

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