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FSB and user data

It seemed to be the bottom, but someone knocked from the bottom ... Roskomnadzor, the FSB and the Ministry of Communications are preparing regulations for the updated anti-terrorist package (effective 1 August), according to which Internet companies (sites in particular) will be required to provide all information about users at the request of law enforcement. Yes, in the literal sense, all the information, except for correspondence, posts, comments. Well, actually why? Posts and comments are generally available in most cases, and personal correspondence can be obtained outside the framework of this law, if the situation requires, the special services will always find leverage. According to the 8banks portal, after a personal conversation with representatives of the working group of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media , we managed to find out what exactly we should expect from future by-laws.

The list of what the FSB has the right to request:
- user ID (login);
- all email addresses;
- A list of all contacts, contact categories (friends, subscribers);
- the number and volume of messages received and transmitted by the user;
- All changes to your account and attempts to delete it;
- date and time of visiting these or other pages;
- the names of the devices from which the user goes to the Internet, and which programs and DNS servers it uses;
- access to data on paid services that users acquire from Internet companies, including the amount and name of the payment system (this provision does not apply to the sale of goods via the Internet).
All these company / website data should be stored for 6 months. The regulations set out a situation where a company may not store such data, but then it must give full access to its service on an ongoing basis (i.e. access to servers, code, etc.) and law enforcement agencies will themselves be engaged in data collection.

If earlier a court decision was needed, now Internet companies are obliged to provide all data on users upon the first request of the authorized bodies conducting operational search activities. In order for the authorized bodies to know who to contact, Internet companies must go through the registration procedure in Roskomnadzor. But registration is not initially necessary for everyone, there are two options: 1) you can register immediately on a voluntary basis; 2) mandatory registration after the first request from law enforcement agencies.

First of all, the law is “sharpened”, of course, under giants like Facebook, Google, Yandex, Mail.ru and others (everyone has so far refrained from commenting, except Yandex, they said that they will comply with the law), but there is no guarantee that Tomorrow they will not come to you even if you are just a person. What threatens the refusal to cooperate with Roskomnadzor and other bodies is not yet clear; most likely the main lever of influence of Roskomnadzor is blocking. More details will appear when the by-laws are officially published by the Ministry of Communications. From the side it all looks like the legalization of surveillance of everything and everyone. And something suggests that even this is not the bottom ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230467/

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