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Writing your autocompletions for Shell. Part 2: bash

These articles (I decided that thematically it is better to break into two parts) describe some of the basics of creating auto-completion files for your own program.


In the process of developing one of your projects, there was a desire to add also auto-completion files (just don’t ask why). Fortunately, I somehow took it upon myself to write such things, but then I was too lazy to read anything, and did not master it.


Bash, in contrast to zsh, requires some kind of bicycle construction for itself with respect to autocompletions. Quickly googling, I didn’t find more or less normal tutorials, so the autocompletion files available in the system for pacman were taken as a basis (sincerely hope that the founding fathers of Arch did not invent many bikes).

Consider the example of the same my application. I remind you that the help part for which looks like this:

 proga [ -h | --help ] [ -e ESSID | --essid ESSID ] [ - FILE | --config FILE ] [ -o PROFILE | --open PROFILE ] [ -t NUM | --tab NUM ] [ --set-opts OPTIONS ] 

List of flags:

File structure

Here all variables must return an array. There are no special formats here. We first describe the flags, then all the other variables. I remind you (since I’m not going to give functions in more detail below) that _proga_profiles() , unlike other variables, should return the current array:

 # variables _proga_arglist=() _proga_settings=() _proga_tabs=() _proga_profiles() {} 

Then come the main functions that will be called for autocompletion for a particular command. In my case, the command is one, and the function is one:

 # work block _proga() {} 

Then, again, without making a separate function, we make the “function-command” correspondence:

 complete -F _proga proga 


As mentioned above, there is no special format here, the available flags are located simply in an array:

 _proga_arglist=( '-h' '--help' '-e' '--essid' '-c' '--config' '-o' '--open' '-t' '--tab' '--set-opts' ) 

Variable arrays

I will provide only a function that in zsh looked like this:

 _proga_profiles() { print $(find /some/path -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf "%f\n") } 

In bash this does not work, I had to change a little bit:

 _proga_profiles() { echo $(find /some/path -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf "%f\n") } 

Body function

For autocompletion in bash, the variable COMPREPLY is responsible. To track the current state, call the _get_comp_words_by_ref function with the cur (current option) and prev (previous, the actual state) parameters. Well, you need a few points on which to collapse in a certain part of the case (variables want* ). compgen used to generate auto-completion. After the -W flag he is given a list of words. (There is also a -F flag that calls a function, but in addition to me, it also produces a vorning.) The last argument is the current line, to which you need to generate auto-completion.

Thus, our function looks like this:

 _proga() { COMPREPLY=() wantfiles='-@(c|-config)' wantprofiles='-@(o|-open|s|-select)' wantsettings='-@(-set-opts)' wanttabs='-@(t|-tab)' _get_comp_words_by_ref cur prev if [[ $prev = $wantstring ]]; then #   ,    COMPREPLY=() elif [[ $prev = $wantfiles ]]; then #     _filedir elif [[ $prev = $wantprofiles ]]; then #    COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${_proga_profiles[@]}' -- "$cur")) elif [[ $prev = $wanttabs ]]; then #    COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${_proga_tabs[@]}' -- "$cur")) elif [[ $prev = $wantsettings ]]; then #    # -S   ,      =( COMPREPLY=($(compgen -S ',' -W '${_proga_settings[@]}' -- "$cur")) else #    COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${_proga_arglist[@]}' -- "$cur")) fi true } 


The file is stored in the /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ with an arbitrary name. The sample file can be fully found in my repository .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230425/

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