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Google announced free programming courses for Android

As it became known this week, the Good Corporation has teamed up with well-known Udacity to make free public programming courses for the Android platform. Courses will be available to everyone. Traditionally, they will include videos, quizzes, lots of educational materials and access to forums for communication and discussion of related topics.

The course is called " Developing Android Apps: Android Fundamentals ", and according to the plan of the organizers it contains everything you need to learn how to make an application on the Android platform step by step. Provided, of course, that you already have at least some understanding of programming.
The Android course from Google is presented by the company's developers: Reto Mayer , Dan Galpin and Katherine Kuan . The goal of this free program is to provide the fundamentals, the history of the Android platform, its creation and features. And of course, the course is designed to teach you to create real Android applications in order to lead developers to the very point where they will start thinking in terms of Android programming, quickly implement the algorithms invented. In general, this is an excellent training for the brain, which will allow not only to follow examples from textbooks, but to implement the most courageous thoughts and ideas.

Of course, one of the features of the course is to provide personal feedback, direct guidance from gurus and coaches for each course participant, who have a paid subscription to Udacity. Apparently, Google clearly wants to get even more developers to create software for their own platform, and for good reason. Android is preparing to become a full-fledged operating system, which will significantly expand the scope of application and distribution. At least at the last Google I / O, a lot of interesting information was announced on this topic, and on Habré we also already wrote about it.

Presentation video for those who wish: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfVBFFoy9Y0

translation of an article from techcrunch

Directly link to the course: https://www.udacity.com/course/ud853 . Everything is in English, of course.

In order to have access to free materials you need to poke View Courseware. CAJAX

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230385/

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