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Habroyashchik, Sunday - April 6th.

Not advertising, but convenience . Every day I tweeted tinylink on my current Twitter program for the current release of the Habroyashchik. Nick is the same - shapelez .

Events :
New version of Gtalk - Labs Edition .
iTunes came in first place in terms of music sales in the United States.
Microsoft is pushing , Yahoo is holding back a siege.
Asus eeePC - deliveries to St. Petersburg .

Gadgets / Phones / PDAs :
Programming for consoles, part 2 .
Playboy phone. It would be better plush hare ...
Take the bed with you to the office.
Development :
Google opens BigTable DBMS .

Useful :
Free domains in the .ru zone. Whoever stood up first - that and sneakers.
Alien promotion strategy , blogs / shops.
Do not have time to read RSS - listen !

Interesting :
Advertising in the toilets does not interfere with concentration.
Google Maps are burning the Olympic flame .
Intellectual simulators from MSN .
What do you know about common trademarks ?
Dostoevsky tossed about nervously - books in 2018 .
10 years of Starcraft . I personally - only for the zerg.

Podcasts :
IT thoughts, 11th edition .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23035/

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