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Google has launched an API to monitor the data of its cloud services.

The Google Cloud Monitoring Read API, which allows you to retrieve data about the services running in the Google Cloud - CPU utilization, RAM, remaining disk space, and others - has become available to developers and everyone since yesterday.

For example, Cloud Monitoring Read API allows you to integrate the Google Cloud Platform metrics into third-party monitoring services such as Nagios . Or visualize data using Graphite .

Cloud Monitoring Read API presents data on the current state of the system or over the past 30 days. Currently, the Cloud Monitoring Read API supports metrics:
Google Compute Engine - 13 metrics
Google Cloud SQL - 12 metrics
Google Cloud Pub / Sub - 14 metrics
Complete list of available metrics: developers.google.com/cloud-monitoring/metrics
Documentation: developers.google.com/cloud-monitoring/getting-started

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230341/

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