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NSA employees are also having fun at work.

Edward Snowden said that he had seen “numerous incidents,” as NSA workers pass on nude photos to each other, randomly intercepted during the daily routine of monitoring network traffic.

In a 17-minute interview with The Guardian, which aired yesterday, Snowden covered a variety of topics. His words about the transfer of photographs are confirmed from other sources.

Last year, the NSA conducted an internal audit , which revealed cases of abuse of working position. Several NSA employees admitted to keeping track of their ex-girls for their personal interests.
“Young men of 18-22 years old work in the ranks,” explains Snowden. “Suddenly, they are sent to a position of extraordinary responsibility, where they have access to your private records.” During the working day they come across something completely unrelated to their work in any sense. For example, intimate photos of a girl in a sexy pose. But the photos are extremely attractive. So what should they do? They turn around in a chair and show a colleague. He says: “Wow, that's cool. Send Bill a look. ” And then Bill sends to George, and George sends to Tom. And sooner or later, all these people met the girl’s secrets. This is never reported in reports. No one even knows about this, because the audit of those systems is very bad. The fact is that your private photos, private videos, intimate moments recordings are pulled out of the communication flow and transferred to the government without any special authorization and without special need, in violation of your rights. Why is it in the state database? ”

Snowden confirmed that he had seen this many times. Different employees encounter this more often, less often, depending on the task being performed. “This is considered an added benefit of working in the tracking department,” he said.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230339/

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