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The history of the +1 (Apocrypha)

Somehow they asked the ancient user Habry% username% whose account was already registered in 2006.

- Do you seriously think that the statement “two plus two equals five” implies that you are deniskin Deniskin?
- Of course! - followed by a confident answer, and% username% immediately offered this proof:
1) Suppose that +2 + 2 = 5.
2) Subtract two votes from both parts: +2 = +3.
3) Rearrange the left and right sides: +3 = +2.
4) Subtract one voice from both parts: +2 = +1.

deniskin Deniskin and I are two of us. Since +2 = + 1, deniskin Deniskin and I are one person. Consequently, I am deniskin Deniskin. ... "
Since then, users of Habra denoting their sense of unity with the creator wrote +1 :)

based on

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23032/

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