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About overconsumption in copyright

Now you can meet a lot of talk about a consumer society. The race for material goods has long been a mass, as well as its condemnation. In my opinion, humanity has already fully realized this problem. Here I want to touch on another of its aspects, which has just begun to be designated, namely, the transition of the culture of superconsumption into the field of intellectual product.
Immediately it is necessary to stipulate that by intellectual product, or objects of copyright, we understand classical objects of copyright here: films, music, articles, computer games. How many modern people listen to music? Jogging, car, restaurants, bars - wherever he spent his leisure time, he consumes music. Compare how much smaller films watched the previous generation. Modern technology actively contributes to the satisfaction of appetites. Why are only TVs in the control panels of modern cars.
Those people who actively criticize the society of material consumption are often the most active super-consumers of intellectual products themselves.

Imagine mentally replacing fast food with a movie, and you will very accurately project the modern media industry:
• constantly increasing portions,
• the war of restaurants and fast foods (art house and blockbusters),
• unrestrained diversity
• advertising.
I do not think that this observation can claim to be revolutionary. But I want to share my own thoughts about the consequences of this situation.

1. Fierce competition between copyright objects. Already, the industry produces more than a person can consume. Hollywood alone gives more than 600 films a year. Films 5 years ago are now extremely difficult to sell or monetize. Even the classics. Less iconic films of past years become the lot of lovers.
2. Considering the US prohibitive copyright system, public domain will be an important factor in competition. It will compete in full with the latest innovations.
School classics, for example, already now allows people to satisfy literary hunger for many years to come. Only thanks to the barbaric methods of teaching, which often inculcate aversion to Tyutchev-Fetam, does modern literature still have a chance. So the best help to copyright will be the study of films and music at school.

3. There arises the highest difficulty in bringing new products to the market. I will cite the words of Denis Maslikov, General Director of the Association of Ukrainian Producers: “Why is the promotion and marketing of the film all that? In the world, at least 100 thousand scripts of full-length films are written every year. 7 thousand films are being shot on them, of which only about 500 pictures have more or less modest distribution. Only 200 of them go to the cinema. These films are made mostly by large studios or well-funded independent film companies. Most of these 200 films cause damage. It does not matter how good your film is, it just has very little chance of full distribution. And it’s not a fact that it’s your movie that the viewer will choose later, the competition for his attention is as high as ever. By the way, the full-fledged marketing of the film in Ukraine will cost between 100 and 500 thousand dollars. ” That is, with an enormous volume of supply in the market, its financial depth does not increase so quickly.

4. People will look for a way to circumvent the physiological limitations on the consumption of objects. For example, to avoid eye fatigue, improved color solutions and increasingly eye-friendly technologies will be developed. We have to admit that this is not just a trend, but already a reality in many respects. The same LCD monitors for damage to the view simply not comparable models of the previous generation.

5. Creating an environment. Objects will be combined to not release a person all day. Most likely, a way will be found to save the consumer from the last manifestation of will in copyright - by pressing the channel switch button. All day the client is in the same information channel, which catches his every movement. Gadgets will analyze the environment, mood and activity of the consumer, independently offering him a combination of new products and old favorite objects.

6. Consolidation of products. Creators will need to fight for the attention of the consumer. Consumer attention is already becoming the most valuable resource. Having conquered it, all forces will be put in order not to let go as long as possible. We are already seeing how the best movie novelties immediately come out in the format of serials. This form is much more productive than any blockbuster. Games offer online versions that keep the consumer hundreds of hours in a row. Music, by virtue of form, is limited in this trend. Here the industry is more along the path of consolidation of offers - lists that are sold by subscription. Older licenses will continue or become serials.

7. The last trend that stands out is the counter-trend. As with any rapidly spreading phenomenon, overconsumption in copyright will accompany a powerful resistance movement. Most likely, it will result in restriction of information flows under the sauce of preserving the purity of consciousness and personality. Filtering anything and everything. Up to the noise. Even powerful rightholders will find it harder to break through to consumers who are determined by the consumption culture of intellectual products.

Probably, the consequences of the phenomenon that is rendered in the title of the article are much greater, but I have cited, in my opinion, those that most affect society. I suggest that readers share their thoughts on the trends of over-consumption of an intelligent product.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230309/

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