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My promotion strategy

Personal, from the blog cross {blog}

Part of my projects this afternoon acquired these indicators, Yandex displeased me terribly for my actions and gave me another lesson that makes me analyze the current situation and move on.

So, the blog is pessimized, the rest of the projects are probably banned. But they are completely new and survived only one up. By the next, I assumed the growth of particles and PR, but now I don’t know what to hope for.

Common to the projects - they participate in Sape and there are no more than 3 links on any page. The difference is that a blog with unique content, other projects - parsing.

Everything except the blog - I’m interested in how to make money with Sape, Xap, context, on the blog I’m interested in having a useful audience of readers and just a large number of users who will bring any money from the context. To do this, you will have to suspend the sale of Sape links on the blog, and therefore lose part of the income, which I was counting on to increase.

I don’t know how many of them do it, but with puzomerok smaller than my blog, they’ve got $ 2 a day, I’ve only got $ 1.2, and also with pessimizations and completely missing traffic. Apparently, it is in the subject of sites. About the context of banned projects and can not speak

Drawing a line, under all this I want to highlight such moments:

How do I proceed?

cross {blog}

As already noted, I remove Sape links from the blog and leave only the context (presumably from Google AdSense, maybe I'll try Yandex). I am writing to the Yandex technical support service and asking you to remove the pessimization from the blog. These actions, presumably, should return the site to the normal issue and lead normal useful traffic. There is nothing to say about the money from the context on the subject of this blog, except to evaluate it on the subject of “Advertising Services”. If they are, all the funds received will be spent on promoting the blog and increasing the belly.

cross {reg}

The first clients and the first money were received, experiments were put, and people were asking the price. In the future, I intend to expand the service and build up the link mass not only by registering in directories, but also in other ways.


I approach each new project from the point of view of a project aimed at contextual advertising, that is, I estimate the activity of clicks from available sources and the popularity of the topic. Whether it’s a parse project (on my CMS satellite) or a unique project (on a Wordpress engine), I raise the CY and PR. All efforts are directed at collecting traffic, and with links to Sape and Xap I sell a maximum of 2 pieces each. Probably, only in a similar way it will be possible to get a result that still does not satisfy me at all. For example:

One of the projects that is under development, the subject is clear, it is traffic-bearing and clickable. But it is even difficult for me to assume how many such sites and how many of these need I need to make and raise in order to reach $ 300 / month from the context and links ... Everyone who have already gone this way - I would like to ask to leave comments on this topic!

Online store

Today I have already finished setting up (except for the mailing system) the online store engine for my first customer. I can show only those who wish and have knocked on ICQ. In general, I want to note that there is:

In general, all that should be different good online store to win in a competitive environment. It remains to start the promotion. I planned to start doing this in the next couple of days. I really hope for good results and your positive comments and support!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23030/

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