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Creating a script for publishing

From time to time the task appears: to make a script for the publication, which needs to be updated but cannot be changed. For example, it can be an initialization script, wired inside a virtual machine image or a script to install the site engine (published by the engine developer).

In the article I will talk about the techniques that I use to create such scripts, they will help to avoid some rakes, to preserve the simplicity and flexibility of scripts. The approach is suitable for those scripts whose behavior should change depending on the needs of the author, updates, etc. The approach is NOT suitable for scripts that should work autonomously (without communication with the author's system).

I use this approach in bash scripts, but the general principle can be applied regardless of the language.

Short prehistory (you can skip):

A few years ago I began to make templates of VDS-servers for mass use by clients. After creating a template, changing it is no longer possible; the only way to correct the error is to publish a new template, which costs time and a lot of gigabytes of space (template + copies on all servers). In these few years, it has turned out to make some uncomfortable mistakes, and as a result, now many more years will have to maintain patterns with uncomfortable behavior at the start.
A similar situation can happen with the installation / configuration scripts of control panels, site engines, just programs that need to be downloaded, configured and configured one at a time. Despite the fact that the program itself can be updated, and everyone who downloaded it already has no access to the installation script fix.

Some of what I use was seen in similar scripts, for example, installers ispsystem, brew. The part was prompted by colleagues and the part is acquired by their own bitter experience.

General essence

Every time, download and execute all the code from your server.

General code structure

Published script - only loads the first file of the executable code, nothing else is done.
The first file of the executable code - immediately does what it needs (in simple cases) or determines something in common and loads new files.
The rest of the files are organized in any convenient manner, it can be changed already in the process of work.

What should and should not be done by the published script

The published script in no case should perform the task for which it is published and should not even have a hint of its solution. The only task of this script is to find a way to connect to the developer’s server and download the code to execute from there. This code should be as simple as possible with a minimum of external dependencies, since they will have to be maintained throughout the life of the script.

Here is the code I came to in the end.
function try() { #  ,    -    ,      ...   ,    } # Execute init.sh from panel function execute_init() { local EVAL_CODE=`curl http://panel.1gb.ru/minimal/init.sh` if [ "${EVAL_CODE#\#\!/bin/bash}" != "$EVAL_CODE" ] && [ "${EVAL_CODE%\#BashScriptEnd}" != "$EVAL_CODE" ]; then eval "$EVAL_CODE" return 0 else return 1 fi } try 100000 execute_init 

I put this code in a template with a previously known environment, in particular, I know for sure that curl is there, but many attempts are necessary since when the server starts, the network may not work or the http server may temporarily generate an error. Other scripts may work in different environments and there may not be curl there. This is a good place to try to connect to the server in many ways, if necessary many times.

It is necessary to check that the code for execution has been loaded entirely - a long line with if does exactly the check: it checks that the script starts with #! / Bin / bash and ends with #BashScriptEnd. So you can be sure that the HTML error code or half-script will not be executed by cutting rm -rf / tmp / my-downloads to rm -rf /

I didn’t intentionally do more complex checks in this place - TCP in this case provides reasonable protection against data damage, and then any complication of the external interface will have to be maintained forever.

This script has only one external dependency - the URL. In the future, even then he had to change - with the improvement of the organization of the code, but the dependence is so simple that it is simple to maintain it. Moreover, in the new scripts, this is also the path used that has developed historically, and not the new “correct” one. Because in case of changes in the future, we would have to support two URLs, etc.

The script should not have any attempts to define the environment and load, for example, init_linux.sh or init_freebsd.sh instead of init.sh - there was also such an attempt, it turned out that it was inconvenient and now it is necessary to support stubs for the old version of scripts.

What to put in the downloadable script

Here the freedom can be changed more without touching the already published part. So if everything is simple - here you can immediately put the code that will be executed. If something becomes complicated - it is easy to change in the future.

If the complexity of the executed code is more than 1 file, I recommend placing it here:
1. The function to download new files. It will redefine how to connect to the server and in all the scripts you need to use it. It is not suitable for the general library, since it is not loaded yet.
2. Call this function one / several times to connect and execute all the necessary files: general code library, specific code for the environment found, etc. It may be possible to see which command is passed in the arguments and load the code for executing this command.

What to look for

Disadvantages and point of view on them

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230285/

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