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Top 10 unconvincing reasons to hold on to poor performance

If you are dissatisfied with your work, you probably sometimes get the idea: " It 's time to quit this business ." So why don't you quit?

Even if you madly want to quit, run away from this terrible company, from hateful colleagues and arrogant bosses, you will still delay, because immediately after the impulsive desire to quit everything comes many other thoughts that prevent you from taking this step.

All these excuses are cleverly disguised as reasonable arguments about why it is worth staying and suffering some more. But if you listen, it is not a voice of reason at all, but self-deception, forcing you to hold on to a place of work in which you are slowly but surely wasting yourself.
We in Alconost have translated for you an article by Alexander Kjerulf, calling himself one of the world's experts on happiness at work. He analyzed the 10 most common excuses that prevent people from quitting hateful jobs.

β„–1 "Someday will be better."

This idiot boss will someday be transferred to another position. That stupid colleague will ever quit. These inhuman volumes and endless processing will ever end.

And what if everything gets worse? Or nothing will change at all? If you have already done everything in your power to change the situation at work, and nothing came of it, the point is to sit and wait until everything changes by itself, not enough.

β„–2 "My boss is an idiot, but if I leave now, it turns out that he won ."

What's the difference. There are no winners and losers. It's about your life. It is time to move forward.

β„–3 "I am not one of those who quit what they started."

Do you know what these successful people, to say the least , have in common: Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Tiger Woods, Rhys Witherspoon, John McEnro and John Steinbeck?

Yes, yes, they all dropped out at Stanford University .

Therefore, those who tell you that the real winners never quit halfway, lie - to quit the hated work is right.

β„–4 "I will not take on another job."

Of course not, if you sit on the old one, which gradually sucks from you all the vital juices. Change jobs now, while self-confidence, motivation and energy have not yet run out.

β„–5 β€œIf I quit, I lose my salary, status, corporate car, respect of colleagues, etc.”

Yes, you have to pay a certain price for a job change, and this is scary. We all understand this in our souls.

But not many people ask: β€œAnd what price will I have to pay if I stay at work that I hate?”

And this price can be very high. In addition to excellent career prospects, bad work can destroy your marriage, family, health, deprive you of self-esteem and badly pat the psyche. It will not happen in a flash, of course, but it will happen gradually, day by day.

β„– 6 "Well, where we do not have."

Stupidity. In any area there are many excellent vacancies that are waiting for you.

β„–7 "I have already invested too much in this work."

You may have spent a lot of time, effort, and nerves to improve the situation. And you really will be hard to quit.

It reminds me of Nigerian letters, a type of Internet fraud, where scammers emailed money from people for financial transactions, promising high interest rates if successful. At first these are small amounts, then they begin to grow. And with each step the victim finds it harder to stop, because in this case she will lose the money that has already been invested.

Drop anyway. Staying means continuing to invest your best years in what is obviously doomed to failure.

β„–8 "I will lose medical insurance."

I sympathize with this argument. In Denmark, where I live, everyone has the right to free medical care, regardless of whether he has a job or not. Therefore, it is difficult for me to judge how weighty this trump card is in the hands of the employer.

The answer is one: start looking for another job with the same insurance terms.

And also: ask yourself, is there a lot of benefit from good health insurance provided at work that is ruining your health - and bad work does just that.

No.9 "I get paid well here."

But I do not sympathize with this argument at all. It doesn't matter how much money you get. If you do not get pleasure from work, no salary compensates for this.

And all the more, if you are earning well now, use this financial stability to finally leave and find a job you like.

β„–10 "Such a line will spoil my resume."

Do you think a resume with a line that you have been sitting at work that you hate, without further prospects, looks perfect?

The essence

Many of us would be more satisfied with our careers if we had given up a bad job earlier. I met a lot of people who finally managed to leave, and the only thing they regretted was that they did it later than necessary. Those who would have thought that it was necessary to stay longer, I have not met even once.

There are plenty of reasons to hold on to a job that doesn’t like it. What I am saying is that it is worth analyzing them carefully: are they really deterrent factors, or maybe fear simply speaks in you?

Your turn

What do you think? Did you have a job that you hated? What prevented you from leaving? Why did you end up quitting? Or maybe the best way is to start your own business ? Write your stories in the comments, your opinions are very interesting.

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The article is translated in Alconost.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230193/

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