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How we got a certificate and a declaration for our books

I did not think that I would have to describe this process, which I also had to face. I'm talking about the certification of books and other "official" paper. As is already clear from all my past posts, the difficulties only podsovayut me. But this does not apply to paperwork - I have a chronic allergy to it.

For the first time we are talking about certificates came when we began to wonder
"And how to get to the shelves of bookstores?"
, namely: at the very beginning of the journey, a year ago. Having a little googling, we found out that we need a Declaration of Conformity and a voluntary Certificate of Conformity. I will not even emphasize that the word “voluntary” is clearly misused in this context. Everyone with whom we contacted on the subject of supplying books to stores, asserted the need for both papers. Well, if it is necessary, it is necessary.

Moving on. Without any problems, we managed to find the Federal State Budgetary Institution
" Scientific Center of Children's Health " of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. This government agency holds in hands the certification of children's products - not just books. And in order to get the desired piece of paper, it is required, firstly, to meet certain product requirements and, secondly, to pay the fee. This, I repeat, is the official way we tried to go back in 2013.

They offered to get an in-person consultation with a specialist. They gave themselves quite an official account (if I am not mistaken, it was something in the region of 2-3 thousand rubles) and a technical expert chewed for an hour what our book should be. They, experts, still know better. Our artist, Ksenia, was at this meeting, she listened to everything, turned around, showed me the result. Perhaps the FSBD NZZD RAMS would have liked the result, but I absolutely do not. Just the book has become quite some other: fonts of such and such size, such and such color, bal-bla-bla, and so on.
I went to the book shop and bought there all the books of a similar theme. And what do you think? Almost all of them are clearly not in accordance with the requirements they impose on us. And almost all of them have at least a couple of “malicious” violations. But at the same time they are on the shelves and can be purchased for banknotes.


And I decided to be guided only by my own feelings and decide for myself what the book " Simple Science " will look like. And by that time I already began to suspect that bookstores are not our way.

What else is strange about this is this: you first imprint the circulation (information about it is indicated in the imprint of the book) and take a copy of this circulation for examination. And there are no guarantees that the book, like the whole edition, will receive certification. That is, with a slight stroke of the pen, not only the book brought, but the entire printed batch will be crossed out. Why is it impossible to pass a mock-up or at least one book printed in a single copy for certification? It is impossible, officials answered us. Here is an explanation.

Of course, I exaggerate a lot, of course, we are not the first to do it - and we are not the last. Somehow these papers receive. Should there be some other way? And he is. But first I will sign in detail the "correct" path.

The right way

Certification includes two stages: the collection and preparation of documents and ... the collection and preparation of documents.

The first stage is testing of publishing products for compliance with the requirements of TR CU 007/2011.

The second stage is the execution and registration of a declaration of conformity with the certification body.

After testing, a representative of the RAMS transmits test reports of book editions, a phone number and an e-mail address to PROFI-CERTIFICATE LLC to a specific person (the full name and representative of RAMS and LLC are indicated in information letters). Further procedure is as follows: one of the parties prepares the contract, the application for registration of the Declaration and the invoice for payment and sends it to the Customer by email. The customer signs the documents, pays the bill and reports the payment.

After that, the Customer is sent an e-mail declaration of conformity. The declaration must be signed and sealed by the publisher. Within two days after receipt of the Declaration (not later!), It is necessary to bring signed documents (contract and statement) and a copy of the certified Declaration to PROFI-CERTIFICATE LLC and receive an invoice.


Perhaps the most interesting thing in this whole story is the requirements themselves. What are they and where to find them? There is a regulatory document "Technical Regulations of the Customs Union No. 007/2011 on the safety of products intended for children and teenagers." The document can be studied here . We are only interested in Article 8 . Safety requirements for publishing (book and magazine) products, school supplies. If you want your book to pass certification, it must meet all the requirements specified in this article. Without exception.

Other way

Then, a year ago, I stopped the certification stage of our book. But recently we did hit the shelves of some bookstores in Moscow (Biblio-Globus, Moscow, etc.), sent copies to Ozone. But before that, we still needed a certificate and a declaration of conformity. That's how we made them very quickly.

It turned out that certification is carried out by a huge number of various private companies. They all have permissions and their outputs to technical experts. A definite plus of this way: saving nerves, time and effort. A certificate and a declaration are made to you in a few days. Here we even found that the documents have a limited duration. And what can we choose. For example, the Declaration may be valid for 1 year, 3 years and 5 years (we have chosen the last option). But the Certificate - a maximum of only 3 years (which we chose). Validity, of course, affects the cost of producing such a document. Price, by the way, is the only minus of this workaround. But pay, I remind you, it was necessary and RAMS.

The certificate and Declaration cost us 17 thousand rubles, including VAT and taking into account the discount of 2000 rubles. But how much time and effort we have lost in communicating with the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and what was the result of communicating with them! In a word, we did not regret at all that we had taken a detour.

These are the very papers, and here they are in high resolution:


The good news is a certificate and a declaration is issued immediately to a series of books. And here’s a paradox - I can put all the subsequent books in this series and print them as I like with violation of all written and unwritten laws. Then I can go to the shops, show them the certificate - and voila!

We recently released the third book , which, like the first two, has a similar design. Here we did not break the rules;)

In addition, together with the second book we released our first set . We have not yet thought about its certification, but if we still decide, I will describe this process too.

Well, taking this opportunity, I invite you to shop at a small online store , in which only our three books and one set.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230171/

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