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Apple and IBM became allies in conquering the corporate market.

Actually, the main news is that “Apple and IBM have agreed on a mobile partnership” !

It is no secret that in recent years, IBM has been actively preparing for the beginning of the widespread introduction of tablets and smartphones into the corporate market - see: "IBM is entering the market of mobile corporate solutions . "
Where tablets and smartphones in many client workstations can replace desktops and laptops .
And now, after the announcement of Apple and IBM's mobile partnership, tablets and smartphones under the Apple brand and with IBM software will actively move into the corporate market through distributors from both companies like IBM and Apple, where they can significantly push back Microsoft’s position and even finally push BlackBerry out of this business (which is why BlackBerry shares - an adherent of corporate mobility - after the announcement of this news, decreased in price by 3.4%)!

I think that it is very important to understand that such a major player in the IT market as IBM essentially became an ally of Apple Corporation in the struggle for the corporate market, and chose to support smartphones and tablets on the Apple iOS platform !
- And this means that billions of corporate money will be invested in this platform in the coming years. And it is on Apple tablets with the Apple iOS platform that most of the client corporate software will be transferred when switching from Windows PCs to tablets.

The trend of transition from Windows PCs to Tablets in the corporate segment of the market is obviously increasing. Some corporations have already begun this process, and many have begun to plan the transition of their employees to tablets and smartphones instead of PCs, or sometimes in addition to PCs (for example, in the last quarter, Deutsche Bank purchased 20,000 iPhones for employees, and 30,000 iPhones).
Of course there are jobs in corporations that can not be transferred to the tablets. And the more so the server software - the most expensive software, will continue to spin on the servers. At the same time, IBM will try to do everything possible so that IBM's POWER servers with expensive IBM's server software for them are bundled with Apple tablets and smartphones (an obvious benefit for IBM from partnership with Apple).
But the most important thing is that now Apple iOS can get a chance to gradually become the new de facto standard in the client workplace for corporate business instead of Microsoft Windows.
Today there are three main tablet platforms:
1. Apple iOS ;
2. Google Android ;
3. Microsoft Windows RT .
And the last one is obviously lagging behind the progress of the tablet, and now it can lose all chances to conquer the corporate market :(

PS: What do you think about this?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230157/

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