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Return of nicknames: Google+ canceled the requirement to specify only real names

Good news from the camp of the project, from which news is generally rare - an attempt to teach all users to sit in social networks under their own name failed, write on the G + blog:

When we launched Google+ more than three years ago, we had many restrictions on what username a user can use in his profile. This allowed us to build a community of real people, but we lost those who wanted to be a member of the community without using a real name.

- and now the corporation of good will not prevent users from sitting in G + under their favorite nicknames Gandalf or RoZZo4kA * -)))

Let me remind you that quite recently Bryn’s confession was voiced that his participation in the Google+ project was a mistake - he’s not the most social person.
PS Having tested the innovation on itself, for which once again registering the already twice deleted Google+ account, the expensive edition encountered a funny effect: a new name is automatically assigned to all Google services, including mail, so registering with G + under the pseudonym "Ordinary Abituaryevich" is not surprised if business letters start leaving with the same signature. Dear editors noticed it too late, and to avoid deletes your account on Google+. The third time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230093/

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