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Microsoft launched Yahoo! ultimatum

Microsoft on Saturday offered to Yahoo! within three weeks to agree on the final terms of the acquisition, reports Reuters.

As stated in the letter of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, if this does not happen before the end of April, the company will turn to the search engine shareholders with a request to elect an “alternative” board of directors.

On February 1, 2008, Microsoft offered to buy out Yahoo! at $ 31 for each, which is 62 percent higher than the market price of securities as of January 31. February 11th Yahoo! rejected this offer, explaining that the potential buyer had underestimated the asset.
According to Ballmer, over the past two months no “meaningful” negotiations have been conducted between the parties. Meanwhile, the share of Yahoo! the Internet search and advertising market has shrunk, and the company has taken steps to increase Microsoft's spending in connection with the takeover.

Yahoo! could not confirm receipt of the letter sent, according to the agency, on April 5. She also declined to discuss the company's possible response to the Microsoft ultimatum.

Recall that in late February, it became known that the shareholders of Yahoo! filed against the search engine for seven claims for refusal of management to sell the company.

Copyright by lenta.ru

Here are some unpleasant news. I honestly did not expect that everything would be so aggressive and ... I would even say it was unfair ... Naturally, within three weeks the decision to sell will be made (it’s like drinking to drink). Although on the other hand, the fate of Yahu was in any case decided, because logically, someone had to buy it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23006/

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