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Google Noto: free fonts for all languages ​​of the world

Google continues to expand the Noto font set, trying to add to it all existing scripts of the world. Fonts are licensed under the Apache License 2.0. In July 2014, Chinese, Chinese Traditional, Japanese, and Korean were added: see the Noto Sans CJK font . Very serious work has been done, considering the number of hieroglyphs in these scripts!

Now there are 96 fonts in the collection, of which Cyrillic is supported in two: Noto Sans and Noto Serif.

Select the desired fonts for download on the world map. Interestingly, for some popular scripts (for example, Indian Oriya, 33 million people) there is still no character set. At the same time, the Google Noto collection has very rare exotic fonts that are used by about 0 people (Osmanya).

However, over time, the collection of free fonts will certainly be tried to be extended to the entire Unicode space.

Full set of fonts: 135.7 MB in the archive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230029/

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