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Tao programming, part 1

Book 1

Silent emptiness.

And the Great Programmer said: “If you have learned to snatch an erroneous code from an exept, then it’s time you left.”


Something mysterious is formed, arises from a silent void, waiting lonely and motionless, but at the same time is in constant motion. This is the source of all programs. I do not know his name, so I will call him Tao Programming.

If Tao is large, then the operating system is large.
If the operating system is large, then the compiler is large.
If the compiler is large, then the application is large.
The user is satisfied, and in the world comes harmony.
Tao programming floats away, and returns with the morning wind.


Tao spawned a computer language. Computer language spawned assembler. The assembler spawned the compiler. Now there are ten thousand languages. Each of them has its own purpose, albeit modest. Each language expresses Yin and Yang software. Each language has its place in the Tao. Just do not need to program in COBOL, if this can be avoided.


In the beginning was Tao. Tao spawned Time and Place.
Therefore, Time and Place is Yin and Yang programming.

Programmers who have not achieved Tao always have not enough time and space for their programs. Taoists who comprehend always have enough time and space to achieve their goals.
And how could it be otherwise?


A wise programmer, hearing about Tao, follows him. The average programmer, having heard of Tao, is looking for him. A weak programmer, having heard of Tao, laughs at him.

There would be no laughter, there would be no Tao.

The highest sound is the hardest to hear. Moving forward is a type of retreat. Great talent manifests itself late. Even an ideal program contains bugs.

Book 2

Ancient masters.

And the Great Programmer said:
“After three days without programming, life loses its meaning”


The ancient programmers were mysterious and deep. We cannot comprehend their thoughts, therefore we only describe their appearance.

On alert, like a fox crossing a stream.
Attentive, like a general on the battlefield.
Friendly, as the hostess, meeting guests.
Simple as a raw tree.
Impenetrable, like dark lakes in caves.

Who can reveal the secrets of their hearts and minds?
The answer lies only in Tao.


The great master Turing once dreamed that he was a machine. When he woke up, he shouted: “I don’t know whether I am Turing, who dreams that he is a car, or if I am a car that dreams that she is Turing!”


A programmer from a large company attended the conference, and on his return, reporting to the manager, said: “What kind of programmers are working for other companies? They behave badly and do not take care of themselves. Their hair is long and unkempt, their clothes are wrinkled and old. They defeated the apartment and made obscene sounds at my presentation. ”

The manager replied: “You cannot be sent to conferences. These programmers live outside the physical world. Life for them is absurd, a coincidence. They come and go without knowing the boundaries. Without worries they live, thinking only about their programs. Why should they think about social conventions? They live in harmony with the Tao "


The newcomer asked the Wizard: “Here is a programmer who does not develop application design, documentation, or tests. Nevertheless, everyone who knows him is considered one of the best programmers in the world. Why is that?"

The master responded: “This programmer has come to know Tao. He overcame the boundaries of design - the fall of the system does not infuriate him, he accepts this without concern. He overcame the lines of documentation - he didn’t care who saw his code. He overcame the lines of testing - all of his programs are perfect inside, serene and elegant, their goal is obvious. Truly, he knew the secret of the Tao "

Book 3


And the Great Programmer said:
“When a program is being tested, it's too late to change its design.”


Once upon a time there lived a man who went to a computer exhibition. On the first day, entering, he told the guard: “I am a great thief, famous for his theft art. I warn you, this exhibition will not avoid theft. "

This speech excited the guard, because the exhibition was presented computer equipment in the millions of dollars, so he vigilantly followed the man. However, the person just walked from the booth to the booth, quietly humming to himself.

At the exit, the guard took the man aside and searched, but found nothing.

On the second day of the exhibition, the man returned and reproached the guard, saying: "Yesterday I left with an excellent catch, but today he will be even better." The guard watched his every move, but to no avail.

On the last day of the exhibition, the guard could no longer restrain his curiosity. “Dear thief,” he said, “I am puzzled so that I cannot find peace. Please enlighten me. What are you stealing? ”

The man smiled, and said: "I am stealing ideas."


Once upon a time there lived a Great Programmer writing unstructured programs. A novice coder in attempts to tease him also began writing unstructured programs. When the novice asked the master to check his work, the master criticized him for being unstructured, saying: “what is possible for the Master, it is impossible for the novice. First you have to comprehend Tao, and then overcome the lines of structuredness. ”


Once upon a time there lived a programmer at the court of the commander Wu. The warlord asked him: “What is easier to develop - a module for accounting or an operating system?”

"Operating system" - the programmer answered.

The warlord grunted incredulously. “For sure, the accounting module is trivial compared to the complexity of the OS,” he said.

“Not so,” said the programmer. “When developing a module for accounting, the programmer works as an intermediary between people with different ideas about the subject, how it should work, what reports to issue and how to deal with taxes. The operating system is not limited to external manifestations. When developing an OS, a programmer is looking for the simplest harmony of a machine and ideas. Therefore, the OS is easier to develop. "

Warlord Wu nodded and smiled. “It's all good, but what is easier debugging then?”

The programmer said nothing to him in reply.


The manager went to the Great Programmer and showed him the terms of reference for the new program. The manager asked the Master: “How long will it take you to develop this system if I assign you five programmers?”

“One year,” the Master quickly replied.

“But we need it yesterday! How long will you develop it if I give you ten programmers? ”

The master frowned, and said: "then two years."

“And if I assign you a hundred programmers?”

The master shrugged: "In that case, it will never be completed."

Part 2

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229985/

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