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DigitalOcean opens point of presence in London

By a good tradition, I hasten to inform you about the launch by DigitalOcean of a new region - "London". I didn’t translate the picture, because I’m not going to throw out the words from the song .

The point of presence in this region was requested by many clients (at the time of writing the post 576 votes). In general, the company believes that London is currently experiencing a technical boom, similar to the one that was in New York a few years ago and is pleased to provide companies with their solutions. A big plus for companies will be compliance with the legislation on the storage of certain categories of data in the country.
When creating droplets in the region, IPv6 and Private Networking are available.

For those who want to test the speed, connectivity and delay please

Here you have a toy for the next 7 days. Default instance "LAMP on Ubuntu 14.04".

IP Address:
IPv6 Address: 2a03: b0c0: 1: d0 :: 17: f001

A year ago, the idea of creating a point of presence in Russia was proposed. At the moment, only 157 votes, but what the hell is not joking.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229971/

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