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Release of KDE Plasma 5.0 and KDE Frameworks 5


So they waited. Today (July 15, 2014) KDE Plasma 5.0 was released, and in early July a set of libraries for the new KDE - KDE Frameworks 5 was released.

KDE Frameworks 5

First about the second. KDE Frameworks is now much more modular. Libraries are now divided into categories and “tiers”. There are three categories: Functional, Integration, and Solution. Functional modules have no runtime dependencies, Integration modules can have them for integration with the system and / or depending on the system, and Solution have dependencies on other libraries.
Levels set the degree of dependency. First level packages are not dependent on other packages, but only on Qt and similar low-level libraries. Second-level packets may depend only on first-level packets, and third-level packets may depend on other packets of level 3, 2, or 1. Packages are called "frameworks"

KDE Frameworks 5 brought some interesting new packages and updated old ones:

KDE Plasma 5.0

KDE Frameworks 5 Announcement
KDE Plasma 5.0 Preview
Discussion on linux.org.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229969/

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