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Why does Outlook launch Ctrl + F forwarding instead of searching like all normal programs?

There is a generally accepted convention that the key combination Ctrl + F starts the search function. So does Word, so does Excel, so does Wordpad, so does Notepad, so does Internet Explorer. But not Outlook. Why does Outlook not conform to the unwritten standard?

Let's go back to the year 1995.

The development team worked hard to create an email client, which was then called Exchange (codename Capone, in accordance with all the Chicago terms of those years). In those days, the combination of Ctrl + F caused the search dialog, as expected.
But then there was a bug report from a beta tester who wanted Ctrl + F to be assigned to forward (forward) letters, not search, because he was used to this shortcut in another email client that he used before Exchange.

This beta tester was Bill Gates.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229965/

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