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How to discuss money with management or why sometimes careers stop?

As promised in our recent survey about problems in negotiations , we decided to publish several materials on negotiation algorithms in different work situations. And today the first material from this cycle.

Exactly 10 years ago, a mysterious and surprising event occurred in a St. Petersburg company that affected the careers of hundreds of people, and heated up the wages market in the city twice.

Perhaps these events were not so surprising for experienced IT gurus (Eka Nevidal, when one company buys 700 engineers from another), but for the author, at that time managing a small department of 17 people, these events were the source of numerous observations and conclusions about working with people.
In particular, how to discuss your own salary with the management - today we will talk about this topic, because of what you have to watch at trainings - 90% of people make the same mistakes, getting cons in karma and slowing down their own careers (correct the answer to the question of how to do this is at the end of the article).

At the end of May 2004, an unremarkable elderly man in a dark suit and glasses with horn rims flew from Santa Clara to St. Petersburg. He was accompanied by numerous assistants, and most likely at passport control, they voiced the purpose of the visit as a business one. An elderly man had been working for the Corporation for more than 20 years, in recent years as vice president, and he really did have a case.

The task was to launch a project on the open-sourcing development of world technology. The most approximate estimates showed that this requires 150 people and 2 years of hard work. It seemed that the team of one Russian company, who had successfully worked in projects of this technology for the Other Corporation for many years up to the present moment, will cope with this task quite well. It remained for the small - to distribute offers in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Novosibirsk, a total of 700 engineers and managers (in addition to the technology for the open-source project, there were still a lot of interesting things).

Key people (managers and engineers) were invited to the office for the weekend, where the Vice-President met one-on-one to hand over the offer to work at the Corporation. From the numbers in the offerings, spring has come to many in their souls. They offered not only a salary twice as much as the current one, but also a bonus, from which spring began to play with even brighter colors.

However, in life is never easy. You will not always catch our brother IT guy with money! Key people are divided into two camps. Some were attracted by the opportunity to change the field of activity, from scratch to write world technology in a short time, the opportunity to be in the Corporation and, what is to confess, money. Others kept a great team, interesting work and ... identity. For many years of work, people have become accustomed to associate themselves with the Other Corporation.

The split intensified when it became known that Another Corporation recently opened an official development center in St. Petersburg. The concern that 700 people could disappear from the projects all at once, resulted in over-active activities.

The struggle for engineers began, which key people began to pull in different directions. The initiative group of Other Corporation removed the pub in the office of the St. Petersburg company and began issuing offers there.

Each person at some point had two offers on the table, the salary in each of which exceeded his current salary by 2 times. There were unique cases where a person just went to work last week, and now he has already been offered 2 paychecks. Spring came in the soul of every engineer (which, as usual, badly affects the work, but well influences the number of conversations in smoking rooms).

In the course went heavy artillery. The corporation rented a cinema hall in the office building (there was no other room that could accommodate all the employees), and the Moscow bosses told for two hours that the Corporation is the only correct option! Since for many engineers this was the first time they had seen the Moscow authorities, most were skeptically silent. One person specified whether they would be made in the Corporation to go to work in suits.

The next day, the Other Corporation took the cinema, where the director of a large division emotionally and incendiaryly communicated with people, explaining that it was their choice. The director - a charming girl who made an honest and good career, was beautiful and convincing. Yes, many did not need to be persuaded - people spent months and years in the offices of Another Corporation in California. Everyone knew what was going on.

The next day, the cinema hall was again shot by the Corporation ... Well, you understand, divorce is never easy.

In this situation, the difference in the behavior of people was clearly manifested.

Situation number 1.
Several people began circular campaigns with offers. Having received the offer in the Corporation, they went to the Other Corporation with the words: “look, they give me $ 100 more. Can we do something about this? ”After receiving an increase, people went back to the Corporation:“ Look, I was given a counter-offer, and now it makes no sense to go to you. Can we do something about this? ”

There were cases when a person went 4 times to and fro. What is interesting - his career has stopped for many years. Not always winning at a particular point leads to winning in the long run. At that particular moment, it was important for the management of the office to retain the person - this was probably the condition of the game. But can one then rely on such a person? This is a question that a manager can answer in different ways.

Situation number 2.
There were cases when people immediately made a choice: “Of course, I go there. Why? Because my manager is going there. ”This was voiced by everyone oncoming and cross. After a couple of days, people were offered the position of a manager in another company, and they changed the decision to the exact opposite.

Question: how did these people begin to look in the eyes of others? Is it possible to rely on them in difficult situations? Is there any guarantee that they will not change their decision if promised? Good question…

Situation number 3.
After receiving my offer, I had two conversations with managers from Another Corporation. The first conversation is right in the corridor.
I’m walking, I remember, so happy - towards Sergei, the director of a fairly large unit. We had friendly relations with Sergey, nothing foretold ...
- Sanya, how are you?
- Why, give an offer?
- What do they write?
- Well, look ... (stretching the offer)
“Hmm ... is that a grade?” Number 8 ... As far as I know, in the Corporation it is a grade for students. I just got a friend there who just got a job ... Well, you seem to be taken to a manager. Strange ... Is that a bonus amount? Yes, no, San, it seems razvodilovo. Look, there is no signature, there is no printing, even the Corporation’s logo is not. In my opinion, you are now bred. Of course, you think yourself, but I have expressed my opinion to you.

After this dialogue, the spring in my soul went out. Three cups of coffee as dope, to somehow fix the nerves. And here the call from my direct American chief Vadim is distributed:
- Sash, how are you?
- Vadim, hello! Why, give the offerers.
- What do they write?
- Well ... (I am voicing the numbers)
- (after a short pause) Well, I want to congratulate you. Such opportunities are once in a lifetime, it would be foolish not to use it. Let's agree on this: when I come to Peter, you drive me to a good restaurant. And leaving, you hand over all the cases, ok?
- Vadim, of course, no question.

Pay attention - both managers wanted to keep the employee (me). In fact, both failed. But one received from me a minus in karma, and another plus. With one, I will do joint projects if life will bring together (and then she made a couple of times - the IT world is very small), with the other - hardly.

Case "There they give 1.5 times more"

Much time has passed since then, for 6 years we have been professionally engaged in teaching smart people how to work with other smart people. One of the cases that we often give at trainings is exactly about that.

Some corporation opens a development office in your city. And lures your wage engineers 1.5 times more than yours. Do you have any powers, the employee has aggravating circumstances (mortgage, spouse wants a car, etc.) And then the employee comes to the manager to talk about money. What is there just is not happening.

And here people begin to apply:

Unstable behaviors

1. The manager convinces to stay, scaring that in that company is worse, everything will fall apart soon

"Where are you going? What are you doing! Yes, they have there ... Yes, they have just opened at all ... It’s unclear how long they stretch ... And you have a mortgage ... ”

This is an intuitive pattern of behavior, and it is not very stable for two reasons.

First, it provokes a person to defend a new job: “Yes, all right, the company is normal ... Everything is good.” The fact is that in communications all the incoming information is passed through the post of criticism (there is such a thing in the head). This post allows us to filter the incoming flow and does not completely clog the brain.

At the same time, what we ourselves say does not pass through the post of criticism. This principle uses, in particular, the technique of active listening - when we return to the person what he voiced, to be sure - he meant it, or not.

So, when we start scolding another company, a person begins to defend it. This information does not go through his post of criticism - thus he begins to convince himself even more that it is good there.

As part of this conversation, we do not need to discuss how well it is there - we would discuss how good it is for us to stay.

Secondly, let's say the manager managed to scare a person by leaving him here. And another colleague was not scared, went to a new job, got his 50% paycheck, and lo and behold! That company did not fall apart, and my colleagues are fine. You know this, and at this moment you start to think: “Why did I obey the manager - all this is his nonsense about the fact that the company will collapse, etc.” And then the manager, who then kept the person, can get his postponed minus in karma.

This model of behavior can be perceived as manipulative, so we attribute it to unacceptable methods of communication .

2. The manager gives money to a person without an offer.

Sometimes the manager has the authority to give money. And he, a kind soul, gives them - even to a person who does not have an offer on his hands. The man simply heard that the enticement of employees was going on, went to discuss this topic, and came out with an increase in salary. Sometimes this is reinforced by another error:

3. The manager gives money, without loading work.

This pattern of behavior may be unstable again for two reasons.

First, an employee who has received a raise can go into the smoking room and share the experience of getting a raise: “Guys, then I’m telling. You go to the manager, say these words to him ... He hesitates there, presses, but then gives a raise. ”And let the trail not grow to the manager.

Secondly, at some point, the director may call him to himself and explain to him that it is not necessary to give money to those who do not have an offer. Because if you give 10 additional people like that, then the director is left without a new jeep.

In addition, let's say a new good project comes in with a toothy customer. Question: Director will give this project to such a manager, who is squandering the company's money to the right and left? Question…

What is interesting is that it’s too early to rejoice at the employee who received a raise ... We all tend to look for those who are guilty in the external situation. At that moment, when the director will inform the manager of the feedback that it is not necessary to give money to anyone, whether the attitude of the manager to the employee who so deftly received money from him will change. It is not clear ... Maybe it will not change, and maybe it will. But the employee is no longer in control of this opinion, and here his career may stop.

4. Manager promises impracticable (new project)

Sometimes in attempts to keep a person, the manager promises mountains of gold, new projects and other attributes of engineering happiness, which is not a fact that they will. What could happen next? A new project may not happen.

The manager will come to the director for a new project - but there is no project. Or they have already given it to a nearby manager. And then what will be thinking of an engineer who has just refused to work by + 50% to salary. How long will it work? What will happen to his loyalty to the company and specifically to his boss?

In this communication, of course, not only the manager makes mistakes. There are underwater rakes for the employee.

5. The employee is beating around the bush.

“Something sausage has risen in price ... The labor market has begun to move ...” This model of behavior can create for the manager a feeling of a “muddy” employee who, in case of problems, does not speak directly, but hides something. Is it worth building a long-term relationship with such a person? How will he behave in case of problems on the project? Will talk about the problems, or will hide to the last?

These are questions. which may arise in the head of the manager - and these are not very good questions. Not good - because he will not voice them, but will find the answer himself in his head. What will be the answer - God knows.

6. The employee presses the increase, blackmailing the manager

Sometimes an employee starts to pressure the manager on the feeling of fear: “I'll take the team with me ...” Or more gently: “You understand that if a key employee leaves, then the other guys ...”

According to research by psychologists, the emotion in the body lives up to 12 minutes. If it is heated, it can last longer. And let's say we managed to squeeze the increase from the manager. We pinned his fingers on the door, scared, gave birth to the cherished “Ahhh, everything is gone!”, But what happens next?

The conversation will end, the ability to think logically, and not on emotions, will return to the manager, and most likely he will understand that he has succumbed to blackmail. How at this moment will change his attitude towards the employee?

Some managers honestly immediately say: “I will look for a replacement for him.” Sometimes it’s not so tough, but an employee’s career at this point will stop with a probability close to 100%.

7. The manager gives unexpectedly a lot.

Sometimes there are anecdotal cases. At one of our Moscow training sessions, two very diverse characters came together in a case. Manager - active fighting girl, fire! The employee is a quiet, calm employee, a programmer. Manager from the doorway:
- We decided to raise your salary by 50%
- For what?..
- And they decided to give you a new project to manage.
- And I pull? ..
- You pull!

In the end, we usually ask people to voice what they will do after this conversation. Employee voiced by:
- I probably will quit ...
- Why? !!! After all, the increase. new project…
- Obviously some sort of dohlyak slip ...

Why did it happen in his head - God knows. Apparently, there was some relevant experience. But the manager has also chosen the most successful manner of behavior.

Perhaps you recognized yourself in the situations described in the article. Perhaps you behaved like this, and everything was fine. It's quite normal. Just that time it all came together. And the next time may not be formed. In our opinion, there are more sustainable behaviors in the discussion of salaries.

But before we get to them, let's discuss again:

General considerations

1. The management solution must be stable. It should not lead to the fact that the crowd of people will start to come for the money.

2. Manager - bonded man. The director will ask for every penny spent on him. And if it turns out that a penny, in the opinion of the director, was spent not there and not for that, then the manager will be given feedback and / or his own career may stop. Who will he blame for this? We do not know.

3. Parting with a person can also be a sustainable solution if people agree to disperse so that the project does not subside. Have you ever been such that already quitting, you still went to the previous job to help? Or advised the remaining guys remotely? Why did you do this? Most likely, because they parted correctly and correctly.

The manager's problem is not that people are mortal, but that they are suddenly mortal. If the layoffs, motivation, de-motivation of people could be predicted and put in a plan - it would be much easier to live! Therefore, if a person’s care does not lead to the instability of a project (a person transfers cases, helps, etc.), this is not always bad.

4. Manager's expectations - in his head. Periodically, in response to the question “What would you like to change as a result of the training?” We get answers from customers: “We want people to become more responsible.” An excellent answer, from which no conclusions can be drawn at all, until you ask the clarifying question: “How do you understand that they have become more responsible?” And then the main thing is to listen and have time to write. Because everyone has his own understanding of responsibility. For some, this is when a person does not pass by problems, but begins to solve them immediately. For someone - when he initiates a discussion of problems with the customer. For someone when he doesn’t bother at all with questions, he does everything himself. Until you understand what a person wants, everything you do is an attempt to guess what the customer has in mind.

Also with managers. By what criteria they evaluate the work? What is good for them and what is bad? Suggesting ideas - is it good or bad? Or you first need to clean up the work? Or God bless him with the order, the main thing is that they do not disturb him, and at the same time the project margin grows? Everything that is written about the managers in the books is limited to the experience of the author. And it would be good to clarify the expectations of a particular manager.

Employee Behavior Algorithm

Correct statement of the question by the employee: what can I do in this place so that in the perspective of X months / years I can earn Y money (become a manager, etc.)?

Ambitious posing the question: what feat do I need to accomplish in order to become a manager this year? (get a bonus in hundredyat millenov?)

Thus, a person shows:

If you have already received an offer, then the question does not change: “I repent, I am a sinner - I went for an interview. When I went, I do not repent. :) That's what they offer. Can we do something to make comparable money? ”

Manager Behavior Algorithm

The main task of the manager is to keep the project in a steady state. Therefore, the general outline of communication is approximately as follows:

- What do we need to do to earn that kind of money? Give me a couple of days to think and discuss it with Mikhalych (director), but let's immediately agree that if they give money, they will load something (there will be no money), and if you don’t succeed and you decide to leave, then the project will this will not ask?

At this point, the manager shows a few things:

And here the employee is ready to go to the meeting and sign up for additional work or for a smooth exit.

What to do now?

Friends, if the algorithm seemed reasonable to you, then nothing prevents you from now setting up a conversation with the management (if you haven’t already done this) and discuss this question if you are interested.

In response, you can hear different things: specifics, vague wording, feedback on your work ... This is normal, not all managers are ready for this conversation, especially if you unexpectedly caught them. Perhaps the discussion will take several conversations.

But, in any case, it will be useful information, because it will allow you to take your salary under a little more control.


PS And in the next article we are planning to reveal the algorithm for discussing money issues at interviews.

PPS Blog Stratoplana moved to a separate site: http://blog.stratoplan.ru - see you there!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229957/

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