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WebCamp Special Rapporteur: Mobile Day - Andrian Budantsov, co-founder of Readdle

July 21-24, the annual WebCamp 2014 web developers conference will be held for the fifth time in the framework of Odessa Innovation Week . The main topics of WebCamp this year will be: development , project management , design , internet marketing and mobile technologies .

The second day of the conference, July 22 , will be devoted to topical issues of development, design and promotion of mobile applications ( WebCamp: Mobile Day ). Our special guest Andrian Budantsov (co-founder and technical director of Readdle ) will make a report on “ Secret ways of identifying iOS users ”. Andrian has ten years of experience in commercial development for mobile platforms and working with iOS since the release of the first iPhone.

In his report, Andrian will dwell on the history of the issue, talk about how to correctly count the number of unique users, teach how to distinguish a particular device and fight piracy, devote secrets to the secrets that iOS devices know about the device, and also pay attention to the latest innovations in this sphere.
Readdle Inc. Founded in 2007 and is one of the leading manufacturers and publishers of business and productivity applications on the App Store. Over 25 million application downloads worldwide. The creators of Scanner Pro, Documents, PDF Expert and Calendars. From the latest achievements of the company: Scanner Pro's iOS application won the mark of 6 million downloads .

Participants will have the opportunity not only to listen to the report of the founder of one of the leading companies App Store, but also to communicate with Andrian and his colleagues.

Silver sponsor WebCamp 2014: Mobile Day: Readdle .
WebCamp 2014 Sponsor: Mobile Day: Ciklum .

You can register and get acquainted with the program WebCamp 2014: Mobile Day at: webcamp.in.ua/mobile-day.html . For readers Habry 10% discount promo code: habrahabr.

Students who wish to participate in the WebCamp conference are given a 50% discount . In order to take advantage of the discount, enter the promotional code: STUDENT in the registration form (* Attention! A student must present when visiting the conference!).

Be always up to date with the latest news, take part in promotions, win prizes from organizers and partners, and also share your impressions and wishes on the conference pages on social networks: Facebook , Vkontakte , Twitter . Conference hashtag: #WebCampOdessa.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229945/

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