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The future of books. 2018

They sent us such a funny story. Our future
Dostoevsky ... 2018 year ...

- Dad, can I take 99 bucks off your cards?
You have to pay for the book ...

- And what kind of book?
- Well, this one. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment".

- So why buy. We have one.

- Yes? And in what file?

- And here are the files. Here he stands on the shelf ...

- Phew. This is a paper book!

- Well, so what? Well I read it in your years.

- In your years, in your years ... There is no search there. How do you think I will find quotes? Audio support is not here. There are no animation pictures either. Only the text, in which even the font and that can not be changed ... What are you? Me at school all laugh! Read it yourself.

- Well, okay. Here, take a DVD. Fifteen years ago I bought it.

- What? DVD? And what do you think I will read this antique?
Hand over to the Polytechnic Museum. You still offer me punched tape with Dostoevsky!

- If you're so smart, then look for yourself in the network, but download free then.

- Free download book !?

- Well, yes. And how else? For Dostoevsky’s books, the copyright doesn’t extend beyond a long time ago ... Probably, it lies somewhere.

- You're that dad! It can you, at the beginning of the century, it was possible to download everything free then. Have you not heard that already five years old, as the copyright on all books has been permanently transferred to the American Book Publishers Association. Or do you want me as a member of the sect of Dmitry Sklyarov imprisoned for life in prison?

- So, Dostoevsky is not an American! And here are the American publishers? ...

- And who cares? Are you an antiglobalist, Dad?

- Het that you, that you! Well, son, it’s a pity to spend almost $ 100 per file. Well, classmates better ask for this file. They have exactly the same. And then you give them your some file.

- Yeah! If they give me their Dostoevsky, then where will I read it?

- In what sense, “where”? They have their copy at home, and you are yours here.

- Well, you are completely behind. The book can be read only from the computer from which it was bought. And the polarization code will be different there ... In short, dad, give me the money! I'll buy myself a normal book.

- Well, okay. Here, you have a one-time password for withdrawing 99 bucks from our account. In our time, 100 dollars was a lot of money ...

- OK. Downloaded. Thanks.

- Well, let me see too ... Listen, son, what are these pictures? This seems to be in the novel was not ...

- So, it's banners. Without banners, the book costs 699 bucks.

... An open file full of flashing ads:
“Ax Proffessional, 2018 - modern axes with laser sharpening”; “Beauty Salon 'U Lizanka' - we will not let you turn into an old woman”; “Are problems troubling? Psychological trust service 'Porphyry' ”; “Credit, cash out. Low percentage "; “RASKOLNIKOFF.COM - call of playful old women to any part of the world” ...

- Listen, son, but what is the text of the novel is not visible? Wait, is it necessary until the banners disappear?

- Well, you seem to have fallen from the moon! One hundred years you will wait.
The text should be read through polarized glasses.
Without glasses only advertising is visible!

- And why is that?

- What do you mean why? So that no one except the one who has paid can read the book! Estimate, if I bought a book, and someone without buying anything, I could read it over my shoulder too ...

- some kind of stupidity. Well, what if I would wear glasses too?

- Ha, well, you give! The file is configured only for my points.
Other points have a different polarization code.

“Okay, well, give me your glasses.” I'll look through the book through them.

- How do you look? They do not recognize you on the retina.
You have nothing in them except the message that you put on someone else's glasses and you will not see them! Well, Dad, do not interfere with your nonsense! I need until the license is over quickly to read everything, otherwise it will be necessary either to renew the rental file, or the book itself will be destroyed. Do not bother me, I read ...

3 hours later ...

- Whew! Well, everything. I read!

- How did you read everything? “Crime and Punishment” in three hours ?!

- Well, yes. I would read everything faster
if there were no commercial breaks every half hour.

- All the same I do not believe! Who is, for example, Svidrigailov?

- Someone who?

- Ahhh, everything is clear. Who is Luzhin? Who is Sonya Marmeladova?

- Well, you give! How do I know! I read the Home Edition.
I only have about how Raskolnikov killed an old woman with an ax,
and then surrendered. About all the rest you need to buy the Professional version or even Enterprise Edition. We have so much money.

- Yeah, well, go crazy, where the world is heading!

- Roll down already. Fifteen years ago it was necessary to think
if not even earlier ...


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22993/

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