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Habroyashchik, Saturday - April 5th.

A big request to anyone who comes across the Box is to drop a topic before you drop the topic or me, write 1-2-3 lines about the reason for this action in the comments. You will make this world brighter and better, so that you will relieve me of the need to puzzle over the "invisible" problem. Thanks in advance.
Not advertising, but convenience . Every day on my Twitter account I drop the link to the Habroyashchik. Nick is the same - shapelez .

Events :
Microsoft is thinking to change its mind , no one asks Yahoo.
Black berries in Beeline.
Bear on RIFE, version 2.0 - revised and updated .
MySpace and music kiosks form a cartel .

Design and usability :
Draw a vector without departing from the browser .
Watch, constantly reminded of death .
Gadgets / Phones / PDAs :
Programming for PSP, part 1. Game compiler compiler .
iPhone / iTouch PWNage .
Lenovo and what the PDA should turn into .
How are the iPhone and Russia.
We charge the gadget to charge the gadgets with the wind.

Development :
Are there any web programmers' portfolios , or is it all fantastic.
Which is faster: echo or print ?

Amusing :
Apples, Jobs, iPhone and someone else .
The relevance of spam.
Art barcode .

Useful :
MacBook in different countries . Ibid - record for the storming of Hong Kong.
The story of one project , Volgograd.
Batch image processing . Automation at home.
3D Mark Online - statistics and how they affect our mood.
Elaboration of collective decisions . One head is good, and two is good-good.
Pieces ( I'm not lying - Things ) for Mac.
Search for blogs without spam , log in with a white sheet!

Interesting :
Advertising on the female priest . Ouch!
No Matrix, Petaflops, or even the Large Andron Collider compares to this . They live!
Interview with Alice Lee , the bastard daughter of Bruce Lee, vice president of Lenovo.
19.19. Lab, the beginning of the experience. Experimental - IE 8 beta .
Cyberclass Creation.
Here, for some reason, it is claimed that a penguin lives inside a sexy woman who has played the T-1000 in the last Terminator.
IBM Quarter in Second Life .
The fact that Wachowski never dreamed was a real study of reality .
Writing without typos is not fashionable at all?

Podcasts :
Rovnovsky Park Podcast # 91 .
Umputun Podcast # 70 .

Foreign : English.
Pull up the belt, charge the brain by the New York Times.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22989/

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