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Report from Dribbble Meetup 2014 in Moscow

May 24, Moscow hosted Dribbble Meetup 2014 . At this informal conference for designers, two dozen of strong and interesting experts presented in one of the main thematic social networks Dribbble . Stepan Burlakov (Freeger), Pokras Lampas, Max Kostenko, Alexander Zaitsev, Tanya Saenko (Ryazhanka), Alexander Khmelevsky (SoftFacade), Dmitry Novikov (MacPaw), Andrey Davlikanov, Alex Bender, Alexander Nokhrin, Roman Khramov (Cuberto), Dmitry Chuta (Chapps), Pavel Skripkin (Mail.Ru Group), Alisher Yakupov and Oleg Andrianov (Odnoklassniki), Sasha Burt, as well as unscheduled Anton Kartashov (Innova). There were many practically useful stories and stories from the life of designers and companies with a lively and cheerful dialogue with the audience.

Dribbble Meetup 2014 in Moscow

Together with Oleg Andrianov, we are holding a mitap for the third time with the support of the Mail.Ru Group and with the consent of Dribbble itself. And this time it is a very official event #dribbblemeetup . The first time was very interesting and vigorous, albeit partisan in organization. Last year, it turned out to develop the idea and make the event bigger - about 400 listeners came and a dozen speakers. This time we went forward again and broke our records - about 550 listeners and 17 speakers. The venue selected Mail.Ru Group office on Leningradsky Avenue , which accommodated all.

Dribbble was created by Dan Cederholm, founder of the American design studio SimpleBits. It’s not easy to get an invitation to publish your works and, as a result, the site contains only high-quality works and the best designers from around the world. And with the advent of team accounts, major Internet services like Facebook, Dropbox, Evernote, Google promptly publish fresh pieces of their fresh work. Our team at Mail.Ru Group also publishes its groundwork during the redesign of the company's products and the creation of new services.

Alisher Yakupov (Classmates)

The program was again opened by Alisher Yakupov from Odnoklassniki , who announced a competition for designers Russian Design Cup 2014 . It will be held for the third time, and this time also offline. Details will appear in the summer, but for now he has described the main changes and plans for the future.

Alex bender

The next was Alex Bender . He is well known in the community for his succulent, skomorphic icons, which he did not refuse even after the total flotizization of everything. Alex explained why he considers this approach relevant and relevant, and also described the process of their creation step by step.

Dmitry Chuta (Chapps)

Dmitry Chuta shared his vision of how animation helps to make applications and websites more lively and interactive. There were many examples in the presentation that solved various problems, including from the Chapps studio itself . Plus, the analysis of tools and nuances of the process of implementing spectacular transitions in a living product. At the last meeting, Dima had his first public appearance, and in a year he was very cool as a speaker. In particular, this is why we give an opportunity for inexperienced speakers to tell about themselves from the stage - the main thing is to start.

Alexander Nokhrin

Alexander Nokhrin prepared one more story about juicy skomorphic icons - he also walked through the main stages of their creation and tools. In the second part, he talked about the case of working with one of the clients, in which the set of icons changed a lot during the creation process.

Dmitry Novikov (MacPaw)

Like last year, Dmitry Novikov from MacPaw gave a master class on Sketch, the third version just released. This time the interest in the instrument was even higher, and the time for the performance turned out to be more. So, Dima was not let go with questions either immediately after the performance or during lunch.

During lunch, Oleg Andrianov distributed 40 invites to authors of interesting portfolios. Visitors to the meetings for a long time looking for this opportunity and thanks to the help of Dribbble, we were able to get a big pack of invitations for participants.

Alexander Zaitsev

The second part of the mitap was opened by Alexander Zaitsev . He fired very powerfully after the release of iOS7, having managed to offer something more than the emasculated monochrome visual style of the platform’s basic guidelines. In his story, he walked through the most interesting of these works, also revealing the nuances of interaction with Western customers.

Stepan Burlakov (Freeger)

This time, the creator of the Freeger studio , Stepan Burlakov, turned out to speak at the mitap. He told about his experience of moving to the USA and working both as an independent designer and as his own studio. He has extensive experience working on large-scale projects with large customers, as well as a successful example of agency business. It was possible to learn many details and nuances, and Stepan was not let go with questions for a long time, and he gave a spontaneous performance in the hall after his story.

Tanya Saenko

Tanya Saenko became the first girl to speak at the mitap. She draws the kindest icons on Dribbble and spoke about the nuances of their creation, including the step-by-step process and the features of interaction with customers. During and after her presentation on Twitter she went off-scale — Tanya was called “Saenko-chan” :)

Alexander Khmelevsky (SoftFacade)

Alexander Khmelevsky from SoftFacade spoke about the experience of using the InVision prototyping tool for mobile applications that the company makes. It is one of the strongest among the existing diversity and great facilitates the work on the design of interfaces and interaction with customers.

Max Kostenko

Max Kostenko conducted a small workshop on creating illustrations. His characteristic spectacular works are in demand not only in Russia, and using the example of the famous poster for the Cannes Young Lions festival, he step by step showed his technique of creating such works.

Andrey Davlikanov

Andrey Davlikanov, working on 2D games, spoke about his several projects. It turned out a good overview of tools, techniques, pros, cons and pitfalls. A lot of time was spent on animation, which has several limitations.

Pokras lampas

A spectacular story about his works made Pokras Lampas . He performs a lot in different cities of Russia and actively teaches, so the presentation turned out to be lively and vigorous. The presentation was also devoted to the works and the history of their creation, as well as the techniques of execution. After her and a lively series of questions, Pokras left a series of his signature autographs.

Oleg Andrianov (Odnoklassniki)

A more detailed overview of the prototyping tools for mobile applications was prepared by Oleg Andrianov from the Odnoklassniki team. He walked through the capabilities and limitations of the most requested of them - Flinto, Marvel, InVision, and also brought a set of useful plug-ins and add-ins for working with mobile design.

Roman Temples (Cuberto)

About how the St. Petersburg studio Cuberto works , told its co-founder Roman Khramov - what they learned during their work with clients. His brother Dmitri spoke at the first meeting, but since then the market has gone from the colorful, skaromorphic icons, so it was interesting how the company increased its focus on applications.

Pavel Skripkin (Mail.Ru Group)

My colleague Pavel Skripkin made a comparative review of Adobe Edge Animate and AfterEffects as tools for creating interface animation. The emphasis was placed on the first, as more suitable for system work on complex interactions and ideologically modern.

Alex Burt

The last presentation from Sasha Bourth put a powerful end - he spoke about the theory of color as applied to the nuances of display on the screens of modern devices. There was a lot of theory and complex concepts, but Sasha was an excellent storyteller and even the audience tired of the 10-hour marathon of presentations was re-energized.

Anton Kartashov (Innova)

The bonus after the main program was completed was a small master class by Anton Kartashov from Innova on creating animations in Origami for Quartz Composer. His story and presentation of Alexey Solomatin from Digital October on the same topic did not get into the main program because of its overload. But for the remaining couple of dozen people, Anton walked through the main techniques of working with the tool and the superstructure.

In addition, it turned out to collect a lot of interesting listeners, including from strong domestic companies and teams. Thanks to this, active communication went not only on the stage, but also outside the presentations - and this is no less interesting part of any good event.

We tried to maintain a balance between the practical usefulness of the stories and the opportunity to introduce the community to each other, as well as to show the most sought-after participants. Many of them performed for the first time and it was noticeable. But mitap is not exactly a conference and it is important to combine the cognitive part with the tusovka. It seems to us that it is this informality that makes Dribbble so interesting. We will adjust the format by the next time in order to make it even more vigorous. So keep an eye out for announcements on the Facebook group , Twitter and the website .

Photos from the event .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229859/

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