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The creation of a “100% Russian software platform” has begun

Project curator Alexander Glazkov.

It is strange that this event has not yet been written on Habré.

The Russian company Diasoft, which develops software for financial organizations, announced the launch of the Beta project, the purpose of which is to create a domestic software platform for building and deploying applications.
The Beta project is a continuation of discussions about the independence of Russia from foreign software manufacturers.
"Beta" is planned to be implemented by mass collective development (crowdsourcing) in the interests of all Russian vendors, as a domestic alternative to the widely used foreign software today, they say in Diasoft.

Successful implementation will make it possible to talk about the presence in the country of the first 100% domestic platform for developing and deploying applications, "said Glazkov.

The coordinator and chief architect of the Beta project, Konstantin Varov, said that when creating the Russian OS, the most widely-used Linux distribution today, Ubuntu, will be taken as the basis.

Experts from all over the world took part in its development, and it is already ready for use both on servers and workstations, as well as on tablets and smartphones, Varov said, so it is the most suitable starting point for a new project.
Diasoft is confident that it will be easier to agree on friendly coexistence with a non-self-isolated product with Canonical, which supports Ubuntu. Also, the developers hope to agree "on a stable process of borrowing in the Russian distribution of everything adequate that will appear in the main branch (of course, after the appropriate procedures)."

Answering the question of who will take responsibility for directly making changes to the code, who will test it, go through the confirmation and compliance procedures with him, Varov unequivocally states that only Russian citizens and legal entities will be involved in such works.

As part of the Beta project, Diasoft singled out the following subprojects:

The project is certainly ambitious.
But at least the Ubuntu source is open. And it sounds more realistic than writing everything from scratch.
I would like to hope that something useful will come out of this initiative.

PS No matter how it turned out, this is all a commonplace bug for Microsoft and other companies.

UPD: More information .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229827/

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