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Adam Bean workshop "Java EE: Architecture, Patterns and Solutions": feedback and impressions of participants

On June 3 and 5, a master class was held in the online format “Java EE: Architecture, Patterns and Solutions” by Adam Bean.

Adam Bean - Java Champion, Top Java Ambassador and JavaOne Rock Star - offered the audience a workshop on designing architecture for Java-based enterprise applications.

Adam Bean showed how to design an enterprise Java-based application architecture and application clusters.
The students were asked to work with the source code of the program and take part in the discussion of the basic concepts necessary to learn how to design the systems to be followed.
During the master class, code was written for the most interesting parts of the solution.
As a reference, students received a GIT repository with all code fragments and solutions, as well as ready-made sample applications.

The master class students shared their impressions with us.

Evgeny Rodin: “Great! I liked the training, the speaker was “on top”, I felt a professional approach and considerable experience in this direction. The overall impression of the training is positive. The training made me take a fresh look at familiar and already obvious things. Provided an opportunity to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the current practice of using JavaEE design patterns.
PS If there is another opportunity to participate in the training of Adam Bean, I will gladly accept the invitation. ”

Vyacheslav Blinov: “For me it was the first experience with the webinars. Adam has shown us the highest level of competence in Java Enterprise development. It was taken in the workshop. This workshop has inspired me to have a look at some of my knowledge and technology. “Adam's workshops”.

Denis Tsyganov: “Adam Bean loves questions and is a very enthusiastic guy in general. That only costs him a half-hour monologue that the servers are now very inexpensive and the story exactly where they can be cheaply purchased. The topics touched on are very different, which can be written in both plus and minus. Answers gave very complete and detailed.
Specialist playing, a lot of what he says, along the way illustrates the code.
In general, his trainings will be available - I will definitely go, even if it will be just materials in the record. ”

In the near future there will be master classes with an IT guru:

1. Master class by Dino Esposito “A fresh look at the design of real software from DDD to CQRS to EVENT SOURCING” (Moscow, October 25, full-time)

2. Jacob Fein's online training, Practical Web Application Development in JavaScript and AngularJS (December 8, webinar)

3. Design by Contract (Design by Contract) - master class by Bertrand Meier (Moscow, open date, full-time)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229791/

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