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Private space truck "Cygnus" successfully launched to the ISS

As planned, on July 13, Sunday, a private space truck Cygnus went to the ISS. This is the third flight of the spacecraft, but only this time the truck went with a full load. The mass of the payload was 1.5 tons, while the two previous launches were carried out with incomplete loading, the mass of the payload was then 700 kg.

The launch was carried out at 21:52 Moscow time, from the Wallops cosmodrome, Virginia, USA (if local time, the launch was carried out at 12:52). The ship was launched into space with the Antares launch vehicle.
Well, docking with the ISS is scheduled for July 16, Wednesday. Among the payloads sent to the ISS, included clothing, household and scientific equipment with materials for conducting various kinds of experiments. This time, astronauts working in the ISS orbit will receive a radioactive radiation detector, as well as an air quality detector.

By the way, in August, astronauts will also receive a 3D printer, as well as a coffee machine. Both devices are designed specifically for use in space conditions. Shipment will be shipped in August by the Space X Falcon 9 rocket.

Here is the Cygnus launch video:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229735/

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