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[survey] What negotiating situations should be dealt with in the "Negotiator Handbook"

In April 2014 we published several video materials on the negotiations in order to check how interesting this topic would be to the community. The results, frankly, surprised:

Probably nothing surprising in this and not - project management is a lot of negotiations ... Isn't it time to offer Habra to make a separate hub, we thought, but for now have postponed this idea, deciding to make a new product “Negotiator Handbook”. The product is almost ready to go, but we decided to bring it to shine completely, and here we need help from the community:

Survey: What negotiating situations should be analyzed in the "Negotiator's Guide" >>

The survey consists of 2 short questions. Thank you in advance if you take the time to help us. On top of that, at the same time, we will understand what negotiating topics are still worth discovering in Habré.

We will be grateful for the answers by reference - there all the answers fall into one place (in a good way), it is very convenient to analyze.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229715/

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