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DARPA successfully tested self-guided bullets

Agency DARPA has published a video of the test results of self-guided bullets of .50 caliber (12.7x99 mm), which will make it possible to increase the sighting range of a sniper weapon several times. The bullets were developed under the Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance (EXACTO) program in conjunction with Lockheed Martin and Teledyne. The video shows how the bullet on the final leg of the flight deviates from the ballistic trajectory and maneuvers in the direction of the target.

Although no technical details of the EXACTO program have yet been published, judging by the information from open sources, the bullet is remotely controlled, a separate guidance system provides tracking of the target in the optical range. The bullet itself does not “see” the target, but only executes commands from the guidance system. EXACTO bullets will allow to hit moving targets at a distance of more than two kilometers, which is practically unavailable for traditional sniper weapons. Active maneuvering makes it possible to effectively compensate for the effects of wind, humidity and atmospheric pressure, which must be taken into account when firing a conventional sniper rifle.

The EXACTO program has a competitor - two years ago, the Sandia National Laboratories developed a similar ammunition, but it works a little differently: it uses laser illumination of the target, which the bullet is pointing at. Similarly, guidance systems of guided artillery shells such as the Russian Krasnopol shell or the Ukrainian Kvitnik work in a similar manner. In addition, EXACTO bullets can be fired from any ordinary large-caliber sniper rifle.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229663/

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