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Twitter will start to show the number of views microblogging?

Today ITAR-TASS published the news that " Twitter will begin to show the number of views of microblogging ."

As reported in the official blog of the company, you can see this information in the recently updated analytics section.

Views made through the regular version of the site twitter.com, as well as through applications for mobile devices based on iOS and Android will be counted.
The innovation will help the microblogging network implement the law on bloggers, which will come into force in Russia on August 1.

Surprisingly, such an authoritative news agency does not provide a link to the message in the official Twitter blog.

And all because it is a fake in its pure form, based on the news of July 10 about innovations in Twitter analytics https://blog.twitter.com/2014/new-tweet-activity-dashboard-offers-richer-analytics where There is not a word about the fact that the data will be public or exported to RosKomNadzor, moreover, Twitter analytics itself has been working since the end of 2010.

The only question is - is it a mistake or an attempt to test the ground for the reaction of users and Twitter tutorials?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229659/

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