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Useful materials for mobile developer # 61 (July 7-13)

Last week, Samsung once again postponed the launch of its smartphone on Tizen, Satya Nadella released a program letter explaining the future of Microsoft, released King Mobile from Papa Buba Diop, and, of course, turned 6 years old App Store - a store that revolutionized the mobile ecosystem .

How to make money on Android games

I do not like to talk about the financial side, but I understand that the topic of money, without this in any way. At KDPV you can see my statistics for the last few days (at the time of this writing). In general, it was worse, but it was better! The numbers are not one of those that amaze the imagination, but, you see, pretty good ones. Especially, considering that I'm just an amateur, riveting games in the evenings. In this topic, I will try to share the conclusions and developments that I made during this time.

King - long live the king!

As soon as I had a desktop PC and a Turbo Pascal compiler, the first thing I wrote was a computer version of this game. It was 1991, maple leaves were falling. The i286 was playing for the rivals, the classic minimax could not be realized.

About screen size, pixel and item

In the light of the advent of devices such as augmented reality glasses, smart watches, 4k monitors and an even wider range of tablets and laptops, the question arises: what size of a graphic element / text should be considered optimal and what should it be measured in. Android developers, of course, immediately exclaim: "Yes, of course, in dp!". But practice shows that things are somewhat more complicated.

Overview of the 7 most popular cross-platform mobile frameworks

At work, I was asked to make a comparative description of several products for creating cross-platform mobile applications: Appcelerator Titanium, Kony Platform, Adobe PhoneGap, IBM Worklight, Telerik Platform, Verivo Akula, Xamarin. I spent a lot of time, so I decided that it would be better to share the obtained data with the habrasoobshchestvo, who suddenly seems useful.



Windows phone



Marketing and monetization



Digest last week . If I missed something in the search for updates, send it to the mail, I will quickly add it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229649/

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