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Windows "Threshold": Microsoft's plan to conquer users of Windows 7

One of the main goals of Microsoft is to create a new OS, to which the followers of Windows 7 will go. Currently, this OS is known as Windows “Threshold”.

Windows "Threshold" ( threshold (English) - a starting point, border, a limit ) - the new major version of Windows which should leave in the spring of 2015 attracts more and more attention. Not surprisingly: one of the main goals of the OS development team at Microsoft while working on the next releases (which may or may not be called Windows 9) is to create an OS that is more suitable for migrating Windows 7 users.

To achieve this, Microsoft is working on incorporating into the new OS a multitude of features aimed specifically at desktop users, i.e. those users who interact with the computer (whether desktop or laptop), primarily using the keyboard and mouse, and only the second - using an additional touch interface.
With the release of Windows 8.1, Microsoft has developed a set of profiles that depend on the hardware used. Some devices running Windows 8.1 have the Power and Search buttons on their Metro home screen in their interface, while others do not. Some devices load a normal (“outdated”) desktop by default, while others load into the initial Metro screen.

According to my sources ( sources of the author - approx. Transl. ), Microsoft will adhere to this direction in the case of Windows "Threshold". The OS interface will look and behave differently depending on the hardware on which the system is running. Desktops and laptops will be loaded by default into a regular desktop. 2 in 1 devices such as Lenovo Yoga or Surface Pro will support switching between Metro mode and a regular desktop, depending on whether the keyboard is currently connected or not. The version for phones and tablets will be completely devoid of the old desktop, but according to information from my sources, it will still support applications running next to each other (side by side). This mobile version of the OS will work on ARM smartphones (not only on Lumia), ARM tablets, and, possibly, on tablets with Intel Atom.

One of the main goals that Microsoft has set itself when developing a new OS is to correct usability errors for those users who are used to communicating with a computer primarily using the keyboard and mouse, and not using the touch interface.

The version for desktops is rumored to include the Start mini-menu, a new version of the traditional Start menu, which Microsoft showed an early concept at the Build conference in April. In this version there will also be the ability to launch Metro applications and applications from the Windows Store in windows on the desktop. Whether Microsoft will completely disable the Metro start screen and make it an option enabled via the “Start” mini-menu is not sure, but it will be no wonder if this happens.

Pending Threshold. What to do now?

According to my sources, before the public release of Threshold in the spring of 2015, Microsoft promises to present in the fall of 2014 a public evaluation (preview) version of this OS. Prior to this, Microsoft will release the second and latest update (Update 2) for Windows 8.1. Since Microsoft announced that it will turn on the Start mini-menu only in the release version of Threashold, but not in Windows 8.1 Update 2, you shouldn’t expect anything serious from Update 2 except minor changes and UI improvements.
Windows 8.1 Update 2 should already be completed in terms of code, its development will be completely frozen 2 weeks before the August Tuesday patches (August 12, 2014). Probably, Microsoft will not raise the hype around Update 2 and just release it transparently, along with other August patches, sources said.

Microsoft is practically "finished" with Windows 8.x. Regardless of how inconvenient and not functional it is, it turned into Windows Vista 2.0, into something Microsoft is trying to distance itself from. At the moment, Microsoft is running full steam ahead to the Windows Threshold and will do everything possible so that this OS does not turn out to be similar to Windows 8.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229633/

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