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The third book "Simple Science"


What I present to you now, we have been creating for three interesting and intense months. The first month was spent on the preparation of experiments. And when we were in the hands of all the video and photographic materials, we started the layout and installation. And speaking personally about my opinion, I am very pleased with the result.

The third book, like the first two , is in A4 format, printed on thick and pleasant to the touch paper, contains 4 sections: optical illusions, experiments with magnets, electricity and experiments with sound.


Book's contents



Animated images

In addition to links to video experiments, animated pictures are embedded in the book. For their revival, such a film is attached, which needs to be put on top of the picture, moved from left to right. The result is almost a printed movie :)

Few turns

Magnetic gun, a projectile from which flies due to the attraction of magnets.


Classic experience in obtaining electricity from fruits.


At the end of each of the four sections there are interesting facts on the topic.


I am sure that the book will appeal to both boys and girls. The result of this experience can be given to mom or taken to school as a finished project.


We assemble our own phenakisciscope - a device invented as early as the 19th century, animating static pictures by rotating the disc.


Well, this experience was shown, probably, in all modern scientific series. Water with starch under the action of sound vibrations comes to life and tries to escape.


How to use the book

As in the first two editions, there is a section "how to use the book." We have tried to build in the most detailed and understandable way both the structure of the book and this page.


Book Kit

But that is not all. Since the release of the first two books, Simple Science, we have received many requests for approximately the same content:
“I’d like to get together with a book a set with all the ingredients and tricks for experiments”
I am pleased to present a set for the third book. It includes more than 30 items: LED strip and compass, laser pointer and tuning fork, wires with clips, batteries, a light bulb, magnets, a mirror film, additional animated pictures, a template for phenakistiscope and much more.

Where to buy, payment and delivery


When buying a third book with a set, there is Habrakupon for 300 rubles : habrasale_nabor . This amount is usually enough to pay for delivery to the regions of Russia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229627/

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