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Materials MoscowJS 12

The twelfth meeting of MoscowJS was held on June 26 in the office of Mail.ru. At the meeting, the guys from Yandex, Mail.ru and Tai.st. They talked about the clouds, mobile web optimizations and, of course, combing! We collected videos and other event materials in one post.

That's how it was ...

Add-ons for cloud-based web applications: a developer’s view
Anton Belousov, founder and CEO of Tai.st
What is useful add-ons for users and the cloud products themselves, what are the technologies and approaches to their creation. It is useful for developers who either create cloud applications or simply use them intensively - for example, Asana, Trello, Gmail and others.


Mobile Web: What's so slow!
Ivan Chashkin, Mail.ru Group

What we encounter when we make a quick Single-page application. What can be optimized to increase the "responsiveness" of the application, improve its performance.


CSScomb.js - second life
Mikhail Troshev, Yandex

"Comb" - a tool for collective development. A short story about how it was made, for what purposes it is used and where it develops.

CSScomb.js: GitHub

Without backend
Andrei Salomatin

How to stop worrying about the server side of applications and focus on user experience. Report on the use of ready-made backend-solutions in the web and mobile projects.


A photo
Photos from mitap are collected in our group on Facebook.

First of all, thanks to the speakers for the reports! Mail.ru for the help in the organization, and, of course, to all who were and participated in discussions!

Ahead of MoscowJS 13!
Next week, July 17th, the next meeting will be held. Learn more and register by following the link .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229563/

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