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36 hours a day

Many of us would like to have more hours per day. But there are only 24. And the way we carry them out depends entirely on us. No matter how trite it sounds, our 24 hours are the same 24 hours that Thomas Edison and Mother Teresa had, and that Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates now have.

But what about more than 24 hours in a day?

Impossible? I disagree. We will not be able to get more than 24 astronomical hours, but it is quite possible to get more functional time. In fact, using relatively simple principles you can get up to 36 hours of useful time. So, here is my recipe for the 36 hour day .
This is a list of ways to save time. Some may already be known to you, others you probably did not even think about. Performing several of them, you can release a couple of hours. Doing everything, you can get a lot of time at your disposal. Great, right? :-)

Strategy # 1: Optimize your sleep

Some of us only need 3–5 hours of sleep per day, while the rest are “forced” to sleep for more than 9 hours to rest. It depends on predisposition, and also, probably, an environment. I think there are still ways to sleep less, and rest is better. Here are a few options:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22954/

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