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Checking the tariff and costs for mobile

Do you have the most suitable tariff for cellular communication? And what is your confidence based on? Did you personally count? In addition to the simple "confidence", there are a number of questions that need to be answered (and, first of all, to yourself) before making calculations:

Unfortunately, modern laws allow the operator to notify you of a change in any conditions through its own website, registered as a media outlet. This is enshrined in the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2005 No. 310 and No. 328 dated May 25, 2005. To follow these changes is difficult.

Here are a number of questions that many would like to know 100% correct answer:

Want to figure it all out? We will help. The automated system for analyzing tariff plans tarifer.net, previously provided access only to corporate clients , is now available for regular users of cellular networks.

It all started with the startup Tarifer - we wrote about it on Habré back in 2008. Now, from an attempt to streamline the chaos of tariff plans, a working business has grown - the market leader in corporate cellular communications analysis systems. Our software monthly “chews” on tens of thousands of corporate details: thousands of minutes of calls, hundreds of messages, gigabytes of traffic, all this needs to be taken into account, calculated and evaluated. This year, users of cellular networks have the long-awaited opportunity to switch to another mobile operator without losing the “usual” number. In this regard, we decided to expand our audience to ordinary users by developing a new service that takes into account the possibilities for improving tariff offers for individuals. A year of development has passed completely unnoticed, and today the beta version of our service is available to everyone.

If we reject those rare cases when a person doesn’t care about a person’s mobile phone account due to high incomes or personal communication by an employing organization, then all users of mobile networks can be divided into two groups: some consider that they are fine (and sometimes they are right, what is already there), others - that the OPSOC inflates them somewhere, but they do not understand the intricacies of the tariff scale before a large Internet account in roaming, which you have to challenge in court, or until the child’s phone starts to disappear all the money from the couple for a couple of days.

Tarifer.net answers two questions:
1. What exactly is your money spent on;
2. What kind of tariff is beneficial: yours, or some other.

How it works?

Of course, there is no magic here. The online service asks you to access your personal account. Data from it gets into the parser, processed and analyzed using an algorithm with an updated tariff base, after which a large and detailed report is formed in two parts. And the Tarifa user receives a notification with a link to the report via SMS and a duplicate link to the finished report by email.

What does the report look like?

The link that you will receive by e-mail contains one long page, parts of which can be hidden for convenient printing (if you suddenly need a printed version of the report). The report itself consists of two parts:

Part I. Analytics.

The overall cost structure and the estimated annual savings.



Schedule daily spending .
The most expensive days are clearly visible here.
You can see what the expenses were on each particular day.
A click under the column of the day of interest reveals the structure of expenses and shows the most expensive services.


Communication style will show:
- Do you like to chat (the percentage of long calls and calls on weekends);
- Do you communicate during the day or lead a "nocturnal" lifestyle;
- You call more or you call;
- Call often to mobile numbers or to cities;
- Which network subscribers do you call more often;
- What days you have the most wasteful.


The volume of mobile traffic is growing, but many will continue to pay by megabyte and forget to connect Internet packages. Here you can see the Internet traffic of every day, and the knowledge of all the features of all tariffs and promotions from operators will allow you not to overpay, choosing a suitable package or make more active use of the Internet, completely “burning out” existing megabytes by subscription.


The cost of long-distance and roaming calls can be very significant.
Lists of numbers are issued in descending order of total expenses for each number, so you can always charge the authorities with an exact bill for calls to the head office from some South Africa. In order for the list not to be equal to the length of your address book, the ten most costly numbers are displayed in the report, and in order to get an additional 10, 20, 30 numbers, just press the “+ MORE” button.

more often

Frequency analysis for the last 30 days will show who you more often and more expensive call, who you write more SMS. In addition, it will show when the most expensive individual calls were made.


It often turns out that we have “ extra services ” connected.
It is especially unpleasant when these services are paid. Everyone knows the favorite reception of operators to make a free service paid. And many still sit on this "hook". Here you can catch these "surprises". Next to the name of each "gift" there is a link leading to the description of the service and its cost.


Do you know how much you pay for mobile communication? Sure?
In reality, it turns out that few people have an idea of ​​their expenses.
On this graph you will see the amounts and dates of the account replenishment, the average figures for the month and day.


Part II. Recommendation.

The most interesting thing: Tarifer calculates how much you would pay for the same services, if you had a different tariff.

In this section, in descending order of savings, first comes the list of available tariffs of the current operator, and then the rates that will require the transfer of the number to other operators. Clicking on any of the points opens a brief description of the selected tariff (with reference to the operator’s official website), specifies how to set it, which options and services to connect, and which favorite numbers to assign.

You can open the report on your smartphone, but it is much more convenient and pleasant to view the details on tablets or computers. It is possible to work with the obtained data for seven days, after which they are destroyed . Of course, you can always export the result to PDF.

Work accuracy


Of course, the serviceability of the service was tested on the creators themselves, on all employees, on their families, friends and relatives of friends. Someone was all optimal, but there were those who managed to halve their expenses. The service, in addition, in fact, savings on cellular communications, provides an excellent tool for monitoring the family budget: you will always know what exactly the money goes to young tomboy and their grandparents. Special cost category - paid subscriptions. They are suddenly detected in every sixth user, while he himself does not know about the presence of such "leeches".

All spend differently. It is clear that those who spend more can save more. There have been cases with the received details, on which our service allowed us to save almost 80 thousand rubles a year, but not a few of them where everything is perfect. If you take those who have a consumption of more than a thousand per month, then the average savings are about 8 and a half thousand rubles annually.

Data security


Of course, almost the entire audience Habra knows what the account details are. Unfortunately, not all of Russia reads Habr. It’s almost impossible to get the details from the average user, he would spit on the service earlier with the words “too difficult” than it would go to the middle of the list of required actions:

  1. Find out what a personal account is, where it is at your operator and how to access it;
  2. Have access to the Internet, valid email;
  3. Find how to order the detail in your account, order;
  4. Wait until you get the details, download it and feed it to the data analysis service.

Can you do it? Of course. And your mom? Grandmother? Seven year old son Repeat these steps for the four numbers in three different operators you like? It is the answers to these questions that made it necessary to fully automate the process of obtaining data. The service automatically logs into your personal account with your permission and receives all the necessary information. Of course, if you have something to hide or you have a persecution mania, the service is not for you, at least in full. We have created an additional “input” for those who do not want to let Tarifer.net into their personal account - you can manually “feed” the call detail to the service, in which you can interrupt the numbers, but you cannot rely on the completeness of the data in such a report, and the results will be more modest than with full access to the personal account.

Of course, we provide the proper level of security for your data. Connection via HTTPS (SSL stream encryption), encryption of stored data, blocking brute-force (brute-force password search will take 80 years) and complete destruction of the report after seven days.

How legal is this?

Professional lawyers definitely answer "100%"! We take care of the data, do not publish anything anywhere, do not hack the sites of operators. The tariff receives all the same information that you could receive and converts the receipt for the services you received from the cellular operator into a form that you can understand.


How much is it?

At the moment we just entered the payment service and are engaged in its testing. Beta, after all. Therefore, the service is still free for you: just click on the “lock” in the report and enter the promo code habraTarifer - and full access to the service in your pocket.

What will happen next?

The tariff makes free ANALYSIS and shows how much you can get savings, some statistical information about your spending, communication style and services. A full package will cost 149 rubles, and as a bonus, the one who paid will receive a promotional code for the second free report of any number!

Of course, if our service did not help you, or you found any inaccuracy, error or
If you find an inaccuracy in the report, then let us know at report@tarifer.ru and reimburse your expenses with a new promotional code!

Development plans

Now on the site every month about 150,000 unique, and the number of ready-made reports is measured in thousands,
but the service was developed for distribution:
  1. In retail stores;
  2. In instant payment terminals;
  3. Through mobile applications;
  4. Affiliate network of Internet sites;
  5. Social networks.

May be offered as an accompanying service . For example, to replenish the account - in instant payment terminals or when buying mobile phones at retail outlets. Now Tarifer.net works in the main regions of the Russian Federation, but the system was created taking into account the scaling and to the markets of other countries.

Is everything fair?

Yes. We have been working for 7 years, we started from the corporate market and we very much value our reputation. All problems are addressed by the technical support department. We always meet the needs of users and listen carefully to comments and suggestions for improving the functionality. You can send them by e-mail , or in the comments to the topic.


You can try the service on the link www.TARIFER.net
+ promo code: habraTarifer

Enjoy your communication at a favorable rate! ;)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229523/

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