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Bad and good news about the withdrawal of money from Google AdSense

If you cash money with Google AdSense and do not want to mess with letters and paperwork, then the two news provided here will be useful to you. Especially important for the residents of Ukraine, since they have no opportunity to withdraw through Rapida.

Someone knew, and someone did not, but the easiest way to cash a check from Google was the ePayService service. No sending letters, just write a few words on the back of the check, scan, send and receive money on WebMoney within a few days. Even to leave the house is not necessary.

Bad news:

It was. More so it is impossible. The iCheck service is temporarily unavailable, and cashing in the coming months will be possible only with the sending of the original check.
Official letter from the service
Dear customers and partners!

In mid-June 2014, the company that provides us with check-processing services in the United States radically changed the conditions for the procedure for the collection of bank checks, on the technological platform of which the iCheck service was developed. These changes entailed an increase in the cost and costs of servicing the service of cashing bank checks for digital copies. In this regard, it was decided to temporarily suspend the work of “iCheck” until an alternative method is found that allows us to provide this service to our customers at the same price and quality level.

At the moment, we have agreed with other processing, however, certification and integration with the new system may take 2-3 months, which entails the inevitable difficulties in promptly cashing checks for our users. Therefore, at the time of certification and integration with the new processing, we decided to launch the iCheck service on the new conditions proposed by the current check-processing.

Starting July 21, 2014, the Basic and Premium tariff plans with current commissions will be valid only for checks that are cashed by the classical method with sending the original check to one of our offices, without downloading the check scan to the iCheck section (with or without transfer of the original check to one of our offices).

For checks that are cashed using the iCheck service, a new single commission of 3.75% will be valid for any check, regardless of the sender’s company. The terms of cashing checks in the classical way and through the iCheck service remain the same.

We remind you that these changes are temporary until new processing is activated. We will strive to minimize the time required for certification and technical implementation.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Best wishes,
EPayService support service

Good news

Now you can withdraw money directly to the PrivatBank card in the Google interface.

How to set up receiving payments on Privat card?

Instructions for setting up payment directly to your card in Google AdSense:
1) On the Google AdSense website, go to “Payments”> “Payment Settings”.
2) In the window that opens, select "Bank transfer to the account."
3) Fill in the fields as in this photo .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229521/

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