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net4mac: social network for makovodov

Recently, social networks are growing like mushrooms. What the creators are not coming up with ... Since the networks of the general direction have already filled the Internet up to “I can't”, highly specialized began to appear. The novelty of today is net4mac

Please do not kick for the topic. I have it here first) Also, I do not have the opportunity to publish a blog to Apple.

So, today in the RSS feed I received the news about the launch of a new social network. And this network is for the owners of MAC OS X, and, accordingly, fans of Apple products. I consider myself to be a poskolk — so I decided to “feel the argument.” ) And hopefully clicked on the link.

A little later, a page with a design made in Mac-style opened. Not surprising. And right there, on the title page, 2 small buttons “Download Leopard Optimized” & “Download Tiger Optimized”. This is a little alarming, because I don’t really like new programs that will store my information. But there was nowhere to retreat, I had to swing.
The standard installer interface, standard steps ... But, the installer simply did not have enough to copy the application file to the program folder, so I asked for a password ... As for me, there is one more minus.

And now, after the installation, it started! Semi-desktop application, semi-safari. In general, the application is used only for the authorization form and the quick transition panel to the desired section. The rest of the - the browser pages. Oh yes. The application also encourages the user about new messages and synchronizes contacts with your address book. The rest is a regular social networking site. As for me, nothing special stands out.

It has the following sections: - the log of actions of all users (if they suddenly become milen, is there any sense for me to watch everyone?);
- profile editing;
- friends, groups;
- calendar with my events;
- bulletin board on the sale of something;
- messages;
- online chat;
- Search;
- partners (advertising partners who finance the social network)
- account settings.

In general a trivial set. But there is one catch: wherever possible it is written that the network is “free” !!!
At first, I didn’t understand why ... But going to the partners ’page - I realized that partners are the creators. And with all this, the creators - the developers of a considerable number of applications for MacOSX to help the user.
So they made themselves such a reklamka. )
As a result, as for me, it smells strongly of business and advertising. If you have time to "play" with the novelty - come on. No time - it is not worth it)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22949/

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