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How do DVRs in Russia: a report from the AdvoCam factory in the Vladimir region

We have repeatedly told about the registrars of the domestic brand AdvoCam. Not everyone knows that this brand belongs to the Russian company Videmax, which has 17 years of experience in the professional video surveillance market and is part of the Mettem group of companies, a manufacturer of household water purification filters BARRIER. "Videmax" owns its own production in the city of Alexandrov (Vladimir region.). There is both the development of AdvoCam recorders and the final quality control - a full-fledged OEM-scheme in action. That is, when most brands of DVRs are limited to purchasing ready-made devices in China with minimal localization and “nameplate” installation, AdvoCam only trusts Asian partners with a contract assembly.

Development, as already mentioned, is conducted exclusively in Russia. Many of the world's largest electronics manufacturers — Apple, Sony, and others — work along the same lines. "Brains are ours, hands on assembly are Chinese." But for Russia, the use of such a scheme is rare, and on the DVR market, except AdvoCam, no one seems to be doing this at all.

It sounds "beautiful", but how are things really? We accepted the invitation to personally visit the production and make sure that “Russian registrars AdvoCam” is not a fiction.

Let's hit the road

Two hours on the road, taking into account traffic jams - and here we have a factory building. Car fleet suggests that local workers prefer the domestic auto industry. However, due to the small size of the city, some prefer extremely environmentally friendly transport.

In one of the cars, we noticed two AdvoCam registrars at once - apparently, someone was testing the manufactured products personally.

In a patriotically decorated in colors tricolor stock stored products of customers. The fact is that the plant on a contract basis produces video systems and other products for different companies - the capacity allows not to be limited to just testing home video recorders AdvoCam. It is here, in Aleksandrov, that the full production cycle of many professional recorders used in urban public transport, special services vehicles, etc. is carried out. The plant assembles, paints, and produces housing parts, soldering boards — a complete production cycle of professional video surveillance systems.

First we are introduced to a research and development center. Thanks to the work of this department, AdvoCam writes on the boxes of their DVRs “Conceived in Russia. Made in China. ” On many tables there is a “working mess” of components and various test instruments. One of the employees at us carried out measurements of the working parameters of the prototype, constantly checking with the engineering scheme of the video processor of the American company Ambarella.

Considering the global trend of public interest in 3D printers, we could not but pay attention to the Flashforge Creator on one of the tables. This printer attracts even externally - the lightweight body is made of wood. The presence of this device significantly helps developers, allowing them to quickly and at relatively low cost literally print one or another test case parts. For example, with us, Flashforge Creator printed out a bracket part in about twenty minutes. For comparison: the printer itself costs about 45,000 rubles, while the preparation of a mold for mass production of a single part can cost 100-200 thousand rubles.

At the same time, we saw <shaking table, on which products are tested for resistance to the strongest shaking. This is an important test specifically for Russia, where the quality of the road surface (where the coating is generally present) often leaves much to be desired.

In the same room, we were shown the equipment to test the AdvoCam recorders for resistance to various temperature conditions. In a special chamber, three samples were held for almost an hour at a temperature of -35 degrees Celsius. The Chinese have not even dreamed of such frosts that occur in Russia every winter (and in the northern regions - in spring and autumn). In addition to frost on the body, there were no consequences of overcooling for the advocates - the devices turned on without any problems and started shooting. So in Russia for the performance models AdvoCam can not be afraid. It is frost resistance and the problems associated with long-term operation at temperatures below zero are the main causes of the problems of Chinese-made automotive portable electronics. Most of the budget models of Chinese-made DVRs often complain about “non-frost resistance”: they either refuse to switch on at low temperatures, or get cut off at the right time, or in general from constant temperature drops, plastic lens lenses crack. With AdvoCam, this does not happen - all models are tested in practice before launching large-scale production in China. And in lenses only glass optics are used, which are not deformed by temperature drops and always form a clear image.

As mentioned above, as many as three registrars visited us in the “refrigerator”. One of them is the flagship AdvoCam-FD8 Profi-GPS RED, in which shooting is conducted at the maximum for today (for household portable models) Super Full HD resolution, LDWS system for warning about leaving the current band and even informing about radar speed control systems ( including "Strelku-ST"). This is the flagship model of the brand. The case with a characteristic red insert can be seen in the pictures below. It is noteworthy that until last 2013, the Lane Traffic Control System (LDWS) was met only as an embedded feature in premium cars. AdvoCam is one of the first manufacturers of portable electronics who offered this function in a regular DVR with a price tag of only 7,000 rubles (~ $ 200). In detail about the model we have already told (and even disassembled it) here .

An interesting fact: according to market.yandex.ru , this particular AdvoCam model is by far the most “desirable” among users of this most popular service of choosing goods in Runet.

Perhaps, we also mention the AdvoCam-FD8 SE, which by its functionality copies “Red”, but has a wider viewing angle diagonally (170 degrees against 120) and a curious oval-shaped body. But it costs 400 rubles (~ $ 10) more expensive.

But back to production. Without calibration tables, cameras — anywhere, focus settings, color renditions and other optical parameters are made with a professional approach.

On the way to the shops we observe “reserve” areas. As they explained to us, free space is fully used during periods of especially high load and large orders. At the same time, our guide noted that “small” orders that do not require additional premises are batches of video surveillance complexes of 10 thousand pieces each. It is necessary to believe that with the productivity and the workload of the workers at the factory, there is a complete order.

In one of the main assembly shops, work is in full swing, which is typical; absolutely all the personnel on the assembly line are women. They are engaged in monotonous, but demanding great concentration by painstaking work, the male part of the team met us mainly at the machines and in the development departments.

This department is located on the second floor, and on the first - no less spacious and "immersed in the work" shop.

Earlier, we noted that in China, only the assembly of devices is ordered. However, test batches of vehicles of several thousand pieces are collected precisely in Alexandrov. Thus, developers fully control and evaluate new registrars before launching in high-volume production. Such a “run-in” allows even before launching into mass production to identify and eliminate “childhood diseases” of new models, various minor flaws of devices and schemes for their assembly. As a result, the decline in the percentage of marriage in large-scale contract manufacturing in China.

The registrar AdvoCam-FD7 Profi-GPS in the process of assembly.

Professional recorders are being assembled nearby - pay attention to large light-sensitive arrays and impressive (by the standards of “household” recorders) metal “holders” - attachments for the lens bundle and the board where the matrix is ​​placed.

In the case of a minor marriage, it is possible to immediately correct it. In particular, we saw the desoldering devices and the removal of dies, if any unevenly installed. Such work requires surgical precision, it is necessary to heat and detach all the legs of the matrix at the same time. If you do it carelessly, the module will be removed with damage, it will be almost impossible to use it in the future - the matrix will be installed only with a warp. There are cases when at the preparatory stage of the cameras it turns out that the matrix installed on the board does not fit in the size of the selected case, here you can’t do without soldering. Then the legs of the matrix are cut to the desired size, then the module is soldered back.

In order to work better, the management does not object to the musical accompaniment, the employee is not averse to listening to the radio on a rare tape recorder.

The mood of the staff is excellent, which is not surprising - there is a sunny day outside the window.

And even the characteristic entourage of the provincial industrial zone had no effect on the sincere smiles of women, who were obviously a little embarrassed by the presence of journalists.

And here is one of the stages of preparing a professional video surveillance system - a video camera of the MVK-09 series, by Bayterg company, also part of the Mettem group of companies - the wires are ready for heat shrinking.

Next on the table we see the device of the Japanese company CT-Brand, one of the leading manufacturers of equipment for radio assembly work. We note that the Bayturg anti-vandal cameras of the MVK-09 model are installed in ordinary city buses. For example, they are equipped with 15,000 buses and trolley buses in Moscow.

Final stage - the registration number is put on the product, the product is checked and packaged.

In the same room on the go we get acquainted with various cameras. For example, this model is designed for outdoor video surveillance. It has a durable shock-resistant case, at the same time, the controls did not completely hide inside. On the upper side, the focus adjustment wheels are within 2.8-12 mm, which allows you to more flexibly adjust the camera depending on the characteristics of the shooting area. Such an option is not always available in cameras, for example, in the mentioned MVK-09, from the manufacturer BaytErg, the focus is set in advance and cannot be changed during operation.

Immediately discover the "trace of China", the box straight from the Middle Kingdom. In this case, we face the components of Shenzhen Sonice Electronics CO., A major supplier of automotive safety systems and displays.

One has only to look back - and we clearly see how strong the position on the professional video surveillance market is BaytErg: there are many large government and industry customers among the clients.

In a separate room we meet with the American, in the literal sense of the word, the printing press WINON PAD PRINTER. Apparently, this is a model Winon WN 123A, a machine for printing on pad technology. Simply put, it is here that “nameplates are glued” - an operation that limits the contribution of almost all Russian brands to the development of the products they sell. As you can see, AdvoCam does not in any way belong to such “innovators”.

Considering the large volumes of work on the manufacture of metal parts, substantial residues of chips are formed. Waste-free production in action - all the "recyclables" are carefully collected in the yard and surrendered for recycling.

The "culprits" of such a chip volume are dozens of machines of varying degrees of complexity. By the way, the equipment of the plant with modern machines is far from cheap. For example, the Winon WN 123A mentioned above alone is estimated at almost $ 7,500, then in the photo you can see the complex machine with the automatic HAAS Servo Bar 300 bar feeder - the total cost of the units used at the plant is about $ 70,000.

The factory not only produces parts directly, but also carries out their “powder coating”. Below is a photo of the process, as well as a comparison of the two elements “before” and “after”. And - yes, in the pictures you see another one of the plant’s products - intercom systems, which we daily encounter at the entrance of our houses.

As our guide noted, if the task of own organization of casting parts arose, and there would be no issues with its solution. However, casting is a very expensive thing from the point of view of the production process, because the management does not see the point of expanding the current specialization of the plant. Therefore, the details of the intercoms are cast on the side, and in this production only the hulls undergo metalworking and are painted in the color corresponding to the wishes of a particular customer.

After painting, the product must be burned, for which special furnaces are used. For each paint, it is necessary to withstand a certain temperature (on average from 40 to 200 degrees Celsius) and the duration of “sintering” (at least 20 minutes).

Our excursion was held with the direct participation of Dmitry Valentinovich Savenkov, general director of Videomax (the company owning the AdvoCam brand), whom we would like to thank for the organization of the excursion and useful information about the modern technologies of creating DVRs.

In the hands of Savenkov holds two registrars from the current line of AdvoCam. We have already mentioned the flagship AdvoCam-FD8 Profi-GPS RED (left), next to it, the most budgetary AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS. The device costs 4,600 rubles / ~ $ 130 or 3,600 rubles / ~ $ 100 in the case of a version not equipped with GPS and a G-sensor. At the same time, the “budget AdvoCam” is almost as good as the more expensive brand models in terms of shooting quality. Savings were expressed in the absence of IR illumination, a complete memory card, as well as a cheaper Novatek 96650 processor. The latter costs about 20-25% less than its counterparts from the popular and popular American Ambarella, but is comparable to them in video quality. AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS was one of the participants of the test for resistance to low temperatures conducted at us and coped well with the "freezing" at a temperature of minus 35 degrees Celsius.

As we managed to make sure, AdvoCam really does a great job to ensure the highest quality of its products. These devices are indeed being developed in Russia, and here finished batches of products are tested and monitored. Thus, the AdvoCam “Designed in Russia” package on the recorders is 100% true. Moreover, there could also be added “In Russia, the quality and compliance with Russian conditions are monitored.”

PS To honor AdvoCam, the brand also cares about the legal literacy of motorists. After all, most often drivers have little idea what exactly should be done with video recording in a real accident. AdvoCam collaborates with Viktor Travin, a well-known TV and radio host and president of the Automobile Legal Protection Board.

Included with each registrar of the brand is a brochure in which Travin briefly and intelligibly explains the procedure for imparting legal status to the video. Moreover, AdvoCam is “not greedy”: a detailed version of the brochure is available for free on the brand's website (http://www.advocam.ru/videoregastrator-solominka.html).

For information

Domestic development, production and quality control - all this is certainly interesting and extremely rare in the brands of the Russian market for video recorders. However, is it a resource-intensive and costly way? Maybe it is easier and more profitable to follow the strategy of most competitors and choose ready-made models from the catalogs of Chinese noname-factories?
As an answer to this question, we were provided with sufficient evidence of the correctness of the work scheme chosen by AdvoCam. Nevertheless, no matter how economical the Russian consumer may seem, more and more often the choice is made in favor of a quality product, rather than consumer goods.

Last year, sales of recorders in Russia grew by 30%, to nearly 2.14 million devices, according to a report by analysts from SmartMarketing (http://www.smartmarketing.ru/avr_2013). In the TOP 10 leaders in terms of sales of recorders on the Russian market, AdvoCam, which is known for its specialization in this type of device, ranked sixth. Unlike umbrella brands, under which many different types of gadgets are sold, AdvoCam specializes specifically in registrars, rather than “burning” into dozens of product categories from MP3 players to cell phones. In addition, AdvoCam is not exchanged for cheap low-quality devices, producing only models of the middle and upper price class.

-10 AdvoCam – , . 50% .

, – , AdvoCam .

2012 2013 , «» . «» 1,5 , 2014 «» .

AdvoCam 2012-2014: 6,3 2012 AdvoCam «» – ~25 000 2014- . AdvoCam 3 .

Another interesting fact about the real popularity of AdvoCam recorders is that current models of the brand are often “falsified” by other manufacturers who produce more affordable, but less quality devices. Cheaper devices with cases, which look almost identical to the actual models of this Russian brand, but with completely different content, are regularly available on the market. Cheaper and outdated components provide budgetary “counterparts” with AdvoCam. A detailed analysis of one such device can be found here: habrahabr.ru/company/smartgadget/blog/184198 .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229489/

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