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Android last.fm scrobbler WAIL Beta is now open source

Hey. About half a year ago, I started an Android application for scrobbling of last.fm music played in different players.

For several months I don’t have time to develop this project, so I decided to open its source code ( repository on github ).

I am writing this post on Habr with a little hope that there are people here who would be interested to develop WAIL further, add new features, fix bugs and just participate in the open source Android project :)
Briefly about last.fm : this is a service for those who like to listen to music, the main feature of which is that you can transfer information about the tracks that you listen to, and last.fm based on this will offer you other performers, friends, concerts of performers, which you are listening to (by the way, it's awesome, for the first time I went to a concert precisely on the recommendation of last.fm).

Screenshots to maintain interest

Briefly about the possibilities of WAIL :

Some more screenshots:

Now, about the architecture of the application for those who would be interested to delve inside

What priority in features

Who might be interested in digging in WAIL

If you decide to help WAIL

1) Firstly - thank you very much, both from me and from users :)

2) Secondly, I wrote a small wiki on the topic of styled gages on commits, on git flow and styled gays on the sources and resources of the project , please read it , it is short.

3) Thirdly - yes, successfully submitted pull requests from you will get into Google Play!

4) I will be the project manager, periodically checking pull requests, I will help the project as a developer when there is time. Google Play releases will be made as the project develops, I would like to make frequent releases in order to quickly get feedback from users and build plans for the next releases

5) If you want to start with a light one, make up a small issue, for example, fix an icon or translate it into a language that you can understand, get an issue on the githabe, then make a pull-request with a fix / feature and that's it :)

Thank you all for your attention, I hope WAIL will develop and live on :)

Link to githab WAIL Beta - Android last.fm scrobbler

If you look at the githab, you will see that there are very few commits. This is due to the fact that the private repository contained the keys with passwords with which I sign the applications (Fail, I agree), I decided not to trust git filter-branch and bfg and just created a new repository transferring the sources and removing private data, about ~ 250 commits is lost.
In addition, the application contains keys to last.fm api, and yes to the githaba. But damn, it is not difficult to decompile the Android application and get all this data, and complicate the development of other people by having to register on last.fm in the developers section, I would not want to receive the keys, please do not use them for bad intentions :)

Fasting is not in “I am promoting” due to the fact that: 1) The project is open-sourced 2) It is absolutely not commercial, made with soul for those to whom the application is useful 3) If Habr's moderators consider that the post should be moved to “I am promoting” - OK

Naturally, the code is not perfect ... Now I would rewrite half, but in general, the architecture is flexible and extensible :)

Ready to answer questions in the comments to the article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229467/

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