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One head is good, but ten is better?

Collective decision making methods

Formulation of the problem
What are they needed for? Probably such a question is asked by anyone reading this topic. If I am the boss, then I will not listen to anyone and I will make a decision, you will say. But if it is not? For example, you are an equal partner in a small company that is stuck on the self-sufficiency stage. External cash infusions are absent. What should be done to further sharp rise? Where to get ideas? Which ones to choose as the best?
In addition to you, X people also influence the decision-making process, whose opinions do not necessarily agree with yours. Usually in such conflict situations there is a banal division of property. How to avoid it? The list of questions can be continued indefinitely. And where are the answers?

I have no desire to describe the history of the emergence of methods for the development of collective decisions (hereinafter MVKR) and I do not see any sense, I refer all interested to google . Let's take a simple description of some of them ...

Case Study Method
Developed at the Harvard Business School. Most suitable for solving repetitive standard situations.
It includes the following steps :
- introduction to the situation
- statement of the problem (dividing participants into groups, obtaining the most complete description of the situation),
- group work on finding solutions,
- report on the work done by the representatives of the groups,
- general discussion
- the formation of a unified approach to solving the problem.
Balint session
For the first time used by British doctors Balint, who created a permanent seminar to discuss the problems of participants.
Stages :
- one of the participants is selected, who quite fully expounds the essence of the problem,
- other participants alternately ask questions on the topic, and get answers, this stage is concluded in a cycle, until the questions run out,
- all participants present their solutions to the task,
- Topstarter makes generalizations and conclusions.
(Notes. Very similar to many publications on Habré :)

Method "X * 3 * (X-1)"
Mainly used to crystallize ideas and search for solutions to problems. Information is exchanged between the participants in writing, in order to give it greater clarity.
(Notes. X - number of participants.)
Stages :
- formulation of a common problem
- incubation period
- each writes down three solutions,
- Received options 3 * X pcs. in turn come to all participants, who must supplement them with three more ideas,
- received 3 * X * ( X -1) ideas are discussed and evaluated, the optimal one is chosen.

It is used in the development of alternative and original solutions to problems. Based on the hypothesis that among a multitude of ideas there are at least some useful ones for solving a problem. In contrast to the previous method, the emphasis here is not on the quality of ideas, but on their quantity. During MSH, any information is recorded regardless of the degree of its absurdity.
Stages :
- formulation of the problem
- mass generation of ideas,
- Evaluation and selection of the best options.
(Notes. It is probably the most famous and widespread MVKR, it has many varieties and improvements)

Method "For - Against"
Stages :
- a preliminary list of solutions to the problem, any of the methods listed above or in any other way,
- some most acceptable options are chosen,
- two participants of the concepts “For” and “Against” are attached to each option, who briefly present their arguments, the other participants evaluate the given arguments, for example, on a 5-point scale,
- participants of the concepts “For” and “Against” change roles and give additional reasons, which are also evaluated,
- general discussion and selection of the most advantageous option.

Intellectual Separation Method
When using this method, the functions are divided into the generation, development, discussion, criticism and concrete development of ideas between different groups of participants.

- "Generators" put forward the maximum number of ideas by any MVKR,
- “scholars” develop ideas in more detail,
- “experts” make a critical analysis, rejection or sending for revision of solutions,
- The “working group” finally edits the proposals and develops an implementation plan.

At the end of the topic, I would like to say that this topic is quite extensive, and everything described above is not in any way a dogma. It is possible to work out the most thorough search for the optimal solution of a problem only by using these methods in a complex, although this is not necessary.

PS In the future, if the article attracts attention, it will be possible to significantly expand the range of issues addressed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22944/

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